Species With Sticky or Slimy Stems
Species With Disc or Bulb at Base of Stem
Species with Colored-Edged Gills
Species with Colored Caps not in previous sections
This is an abridged version of the full key to Mycenoid species in the Pacific Northwest. That key includes the white, gray, brown, and black species that are generally identified with the aid of a microscope, including many of the Mycena species, Hemimycena, Fayodia, Gamundia, Mycenella, and Resinomycena.
This shorter key includes the Mycenoid species that are colorful, exude juice, have slime on the stem, or have stems that attach by a disc or bulb. The genera are Mycena, Chromosera, Hydropus (one of the species), and Rickenella. Three easily recognized members of the gray, brown, and black group are included.
The three most important sources are Alexander Smith's North American Species of Mycenas, Maas Geesteranus's Mycenas of the Northern Hemisphere, and articles by Scott Redhead. Sources are listed under References and may be traced in more detail in the CD MatchMaker: Gilled Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.
The term Mycena comes from the Greek, mykos, meaning a fungus. The fruiting bodies are small and fragile. They make up for their size by their overwhelming abundance and for their delicacy by their ethereal composition. The spores are white. The genus is separated from collybioid fungi such as Gymnopus and Rhodocollybia by their convex caps (Mycenas have bellshaped to conical caps), from marasmioid fungi such as Marasmius which regain their shape with moistening after drying, and from omphalinoid fungi such as Omphalina (Lichenomphalia) ericetorum which have decurrent gills and a depressed center to the cap. Galerinas have yellow brown caps and brown spores.
Because of the fragile makeup, it is an important aid to identification to examine fresh specimens in different stages of development and under ideal conditions. In those in which odor is an important feature, often it is only evident for a short time, or may not be noticed until later after picking. Viscidity and color are also changeable.
While the emphasis in keys written by the Pacific Northwest Key Council is on characters visible in the field, a microscope is needed to identify most white or dull-colored Mycenas. The key separates out first some species that are recognizable because of milk that exudes from the stem, then stickiness of the stem, then structures at the base of the stem, then gill edges with different colors, then brightly colored or white fruiting bodies, and finally uses microscopic features to differentiate the rest.
The amyloid reaction of spores should be used with caution, because this reaction is often weak in Mycena species. Smith recommends that the test with Melzer's solution be conducted on dried material: this is essential when the reaction is weak, and daylight should be used rather than a light bulb. One method is to make a heavy spore print on a slide, let it dry thoroughly and add a drop of Melzer's reagent. If amyloid, the spore deposit will become dark or pale gray or violet, as opposed to colorless or slightly yellowish.
The 1981 key used Sections of Mycena according to Alexander Smith, which correlated somewhat with field characters. The Sections of Maas Geesteranus are quite different and are separated microscopically. The general organization of the original key is retained, but section names are not used.
The descriptions do not repeat standard features of Mycenas. The cap shape is not described unless it deviates from the bluntly conic cap that becomes bell-shaped to convex and flattens out when old, sometimes leaving an umbo. Also assumed are thin flesh, hollow stem, absence of an annulus, white spore deposit, and smooth spores. The color of the flesh will normally be the same color as the surface or whitish. Habit can generally be scattered or in groups, and is mentioned only when cespitose (in tufted clusters). Little information has accumulated on edibility because of the small size of the fruitbodies.
1a Flesh or stem exuding juice when cut
1b Flesh or stem not exuding juice when cut
2a Stem viscid
2b Stem not viscid
3a Base of stem dilated into disk or bulb, cap 0.4-1.0 cm wide
3b Base of stem without disk or bulb, may be larger at base, cap of various sizes
4a Edges of gills darker or a different color (not white) from faces of gills
4b Edges of gills colored as faces or colored white
5a Fruiting body some bright color, not white
5b Fruiting body white or gray or black or tan or brown
6a Fruiting body white
.......................................................................not included, for these species see Unabridged Version
6b Fruiting body gray or black or tan or brown
......................................................only 3 species included (for the others, see Unabridged Version) 701
101a (1a) Stem exuding milk-like (white) juice when cut
................................................................................Mycena galopus
milky Mycena
101b Stem or flesh exuding juice when cut that is red, orange, yellow, or clear
102a Stem exuding juice when cut that is red, orange, or yellow
102b Stem or flesh exuding juice when cut that is clear
103a Growing on dead wood, often cespitose, cap edge becomes scalloped or torn, (hyphae of stem cortex smooth but caulocystidia branched or with projections)
................................................................................Mycena haematopus
bleeding Mycena
103b Growing among needles or leaf debris, fallen twigs, or on moss beds, rarely cespitose, cap edge not scalloped, (stem cortex hyphae with projections, caulocystidia smooth like cheilocystidia)
................................................................................Mycena sanguinolenta
(includes Mycena subsanguinolenta A.H. Sm.)
terrestrial bleeding Mycena
104a (102b) Cap exuding clear watery juice, gregarious on conifer logs
................................................................................Hydropus marginellus
CAP 1-2 (3) cm, blackish, dingy or paler toward margin, not fading appreciably; bald, appearing rather dry and velvety, hardly striate but margin frequently cracks or splits radially when old; flesh brittle, watery, if the cap surface is cut, drops of a colorless liquid ooze out. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS broadly adnate to arched and slightly decurrent, close to crowded (26-35 reaching stem), 2-3 tiers of subgills, narrow, sometimes interveined; pallid; edges dingy brown to dark gray, fringed. STEM 1.5-2.5 (3) x 0.1-0.2 cm, short, base may be slightly enlarged, stem brittle-cartilaginous; dark gray to blackish brown at first, becoming grayish brown to almost transparent gray; dull and pruinose at first, becoming more or less bald and polished with age; base with scattered hairs. HABITAT on conifer logs. DISTRIBUTION at least BC, WA, uncommon. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6-7.5 x 3.5-4 um, elliptic, very weakly amyloid; basidia (2) 4-spored, cheilocystidia abundant, of two types, saccate and measuring 35-46 x 15-20 um, or fusoid-ventricose with blunt tops and 40-60 um, contents of both kinds dingy brownish, pleurocystidia present only near gill edge and similar to cheilocystidia. REMARKS characterized as Hydropus by microscopic structure of cap cuticle (irregular hyphae with erect brownish ends that are cylindric to clavate or fusiform, like cystidia), looks generally like dark brownish Mycena with collybioid stature.
104a Stem (not cap) exuding clear watery juice
If neither description below fits well, go to 2.
105a Stem exuding abundant clear watery juice, growing densely gregarious on needle beds or Sphagnum
................................................................................Mycena atroalboides
Maas Geesteranus includes Mycena plicosa >Fr.) Gillet and Mycena subplicosa >P. Karst. sensu A.H. Sm. Mycena subplicosa >P. Karst. is synonymized by Maas Geesteranus with Mycena vitilis >(Fr.) Quél.
CAP 0.8-2 cm, somewhat hygrophanous, blackish brown fading, sometimes becoming spotted reddish brown, the margin brownish gray; moist, pruinose, becoming bald, striate toward margin, grooved, margin scalloped; flesh firm. ODOR and TASTE mild or slightly of radish. GILLS adnate, ascending with distinct decurrent tooth, 17-25 reaching stem, 3 tiers of subgills, fairly narrow to broader in middle (0.15-0.3 cm); white becoming grayish, sometimes white or spotted or stained reddish brown, interveined, edges pallid. STEM 2-12 x 0.1-0.2 cm, equal or somewhat broadened below, firm but brittle; white bloom then bald, colored as cap, paler toward top, base white hairy, abundant clear watery juice may exude from stem (not cap). HABITAT on needle beds under conifers or in sphagnum bogs. DISTRIBUTION BC, WA, OR, ID, on the Pacific coast sporadic and often very abundant under Douglas-fir and spruce. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8.1-9.8 x (4.0) 4.7-5.6 um, oval to elliptic, weakly amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia 15-45 (65) x 7-12.5 (22.5) um, clavate to more or less irregularly shaped, sometimes very long-stemmed, with simple to somewhat branched, cylindrical to variously shaped, curved projections 4-11.5 x 0.9-2.5 um, pleurocystidia not noticed.
105b Stem exuding watery juice, gregarious on Douglas-fir logs and stumps
................................................................................Mycena fuliginella
CAP 1.0-1.5 (2.0) cm, hygrophanous, fuscous on the disc with the rest drab or the margin pallid in some, becoming brown over margin before fading, fading to dingy brownish gray; smooth, bald, moist, translucent-striate with broad dark striations; flesh fragile. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate with pronounced decurrent tooth, 9-12 reaching stem, broadest near stem (0.2 cm), one or two tiers of subgills; whitish but grayish toward bases. STEM 2-3 (5) x 0.1-0.15 cm, equal, fragile, solid, with a watery unchanging juice; whitish; bald or faintly frosted above, base densely white-hairy. HABITAT on logs and stumps of Douglas-fir. DISTRIBUTION found at least WA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8-10 x 4-4.5 um, somewhat cylindric or slightly curved, very faintly amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 33-62 x (5) 7-12 um, clavate to narrowly fusoid-ventricose, the apex in many of the clavate individuals drawn out into a long neck, smooth, pleurocystidia not seen.
201a Cap dry (not viscid) or soon becoming so, no distinct odor or taste
201b Cap viscid or soon becoming so, may have distinct odor or taste
202a Narrow stem embedded in thick glutinous sheath when young, gradually collecting toward the base in large masses, cap dry, (cap cuticle a palisade of inflated clavate brown cells)
................................................................................Roridomyces roridus
slippery Mycena
202b Stem merely viscid, cap dry or moist or lubricous but not viscid when mature, (cap cuticle different)
203a Cap dull white, buff on disc; cap and stem viscid at first but soon dull and dry; develops on conifer needles which become whitish around it
................................................................................Mycena insignis
CAP 0.5-1.0 cm, dull milk white or the disc light buff becoming dingier when old; surface at first somewhat viscid to viscid and shining when wet, soon dry and dull or faintly pruinose under a lens, striate, cap skin thin and tenacious but separable; flesh moderately fragile. GILLS adnate, becoming decurrent, 12-14 reaching stem, narrow but broadest at point of attachment (0.15-0.2 cm); whitish. STEM 2-3 x 0.1 cm, cartilaginous, pliant; watery grayish white, whitish in upper part; shining and viscid when wet, soon dry and dull, finely downy in upper part, becoming bald in lower part, base sparsely white-hairy. HABITAT on needle beds: the conifer needles on which it grows become whitish. DISTRIBUTION at least WA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6-7.5 x 3 um (Smith), (7.2) 8.1-9.2 x 3.6-4.6 um (Maas Geesteranus), amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 30-37 x 6-10 um, colorless, clavate to fusoid, (often forked), the tips evenly tapered to sharp points, often with occasional short projections arising anywhere from near the base to the tip and in an irregular manner, pleurocystidia not seen, (Smith).
203b Cap gray or more whitish or yellowish in age; stem viscid, glutinous when wet, slippery when attempting to pick; grows under conifers, but needles do not turn whitish around it
................................................................................Mycena clavicularis
204a (201b) On wood, may be cespitose
204b Gregarious on the ground under conifers or oak
205a No distinct odor or taste
205b Farinaceous odor and taste
206a Buttons dull lilac but changing to yellow, gills pale lilac, viscid cap with flattened or depressed center
................................................................................Chromosera cyanophylla
Mycena lilacifolia (Peck) A.H. Sm. is a synonym.
206b Buttons pale fuscous gray on the disc, at times pale bluish gray, margin whitish, cap soon fading to whitish, gills white
................................................................................Mycena laevigata sensu A.H. Sm.
Maas Geesteranus says Smith found cap colors not found in European material and might not be describing the same species. The description here is adapted from Smith's. Maas Geesteranus gives the cap colors of M. laevigata (Lasch) Gillet as "pure white to whitish, gradually discolouring cream to ochraceous and/or becoming stained with yellow-brown or rusty brown spots".
CAP 1-2 (4.5) cm, conic to convex or with a low umbo, often with small papilla, rarely slightly depressed, when young disc pale fuscous gray to watery gray or pale bluish gray, whitish toward margin, soon fading to whitish overall, with a tendency to become cream-colored or stained tawny when old; lubricous to viscid when old or wet, bald, becoming striate; flesh flaccid, cartilaginous. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS broadly adnate to somewhat decurrent, 22-25 reaching stem, broad (0.3-0.4 cm); white or occasionally flushed pink. STEM 2-5 (10) x 0.1-0.2 cm, cartilaginous and brittle, base somewhat rooting; bluish gray toward top when young and whitish in lower part, soon fading to grayish white all over; lubricous to somewhat viscid, bald except for white-hairy base. HABIT cespitose to subcespitose. HABITAT on wood of conifers. DISTRIBUTION WA, OR, CA, reported BC. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6-8 x 3-4 um, strongly amyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia absent, cheilocystidia abundant, short and clavate or becoming subfusoid to cylindric, sometimes greatly elongated into a narrow lanceolate apex, tips occasionally forked and occasionally one or two short projections may develop either on the inflated part or on the neck, 30-40 x 9-12 um (clavate type) or 35-55 x 5-8 um (elongated type), both seen on gills of a single cap, pleurocystidia absent.
207a Farinaceous odor weak to strong, stem 4-6 cm, cheilocystidia club-shaped to irregularly shaped, and covered with short rodlike projections
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. lignicola
207b Farinaceous odor strong, stem 1-3 cm, cheilocystidia awl-shaped to somewhat wider in middle, smooth or with somewhat irregular walls (cheilocystidia only reliable differentiation)
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. 'cascadensis'
208a (204b) Stem yellow or green
These, with 207a and 207b, are the varieties of Mycena epipterygia (yellow-stemmed Mycena). It may be difficult or unnecessary to differentiate the varieties.
208b Stem gray or white
209a Odor mild to faintly fragrant or faint of cucumber or farinaceous
209b Odor and taste strong and disagreeable
Note: if 211 fails to lead to a description that fits, try 210b Mycena epipterygia var. epipterygia, which may sometimes have a strong odor.
210a Cap dark olive gray and not fading to white
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. 'epipterygioides'
Maas Geesteranus throws doubt on whether this is the correct name for this variety, or even whether it is a single variety, as the original was characterized by 2-spored basidia while Smith's are 4-spored, with cheilocystidia that differ from each other in different specimens.
CAP 1-2.5 cm, deep olive buff with very faint yellow cast at times, never white; surface pruinose when young, finally bald, viscid with pellicle completely separable, becoming grooved-striate often with scalloped edge; flesh thin, tenacious; dark olive brownish. ODOR faintly cucumber-like. TASTE mildly farinaceous. GILLS adnate, sometimes with decurrent tooth, 18-23 reaching stem, 2 tiers of subgills, moderately broad, sometimes separating from stem but remaining attached to each other like a collar; white to gray-tinged with pallid edges, often becoming reddish spotted in age. STEM 4-6 (7) x 0.15-0.25 cm, pale greenish yellow (variable), always pale yellow on dried specimens, whitish or grayish in upper part when old and base often reddish brown; viscid, bald, glutinous base with scattered fibrils. HABITAT under conifers, also oak, late in fall. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8-10 (12) x 5-6 um, elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia embedded in gelatinous matrix, narrowly club-shaped, the upper portion with obtuse contorted projections which may or may not be branched, the head 5-8 um thick, branches 2-4 um thick, no pleurocystidia. REMARKS Smith's description is followed here. The differentiation from the type variety (see 210b) is according to Smith. Maas Geesteranus separates var. epipterygioides from var. epipterygia on the basis of 2-spored basidia in the former. | Mycena epipterygia var. epipterygioides Kit Scates Barnhart |
210b Cap decidedly yellowish and fading to white or pale pearly gray
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. epipterygia
yellow-stemmed Mycena
211a (209b) Odor disagreeable, changing within an hour to strong iodoform, stem bright yellow, cap shades of gray becoming spotted reddish
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. epipterygia
This is Mycena viscosa var. iodiolens A.H. Sm., synonymized by Maas Geesteranus with Mycena epipterygia var. epipterygia: see 210b for description. Mycena epipterygia var. lignicola (207a) as described by Smith may rarely have iodoform odor after a few hours.
211b Odor strong of cucumber or more disagreeable, stem yellow to greenish yellow, cap various shades
212a Cap color variable: deep olive to olive-brown to grayish greenish yellow; sometimes growing near snowbanks; cheilocystidia with one or more thorn-like projections and often quite irregular in shape
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. griseoviridis
212b Cap variable in color but usually yellowish gray, yellowish, or greenish gray, when old becoming dingy brownish; cheilocystidia with long flexuous gelatinizing pedicels, tops club-shaped and covered with short contorted projections or obtuse finger-like processes (cheilocystidia needed for reliable differentiation)
................................................................................M. epipterygia var. 'viscosa'
Maas Geesteranus questions whether this is the correct name for this variety, as the original Mycena viscosa lacked yellowish and greenish colors and had a mild taste. Note that Smith's Mycena viscosa var. iodiolens is assigned by Maas Geesteranus to M. epipterygia var. epipterygia.
CAP 0.8-1.0 cm, variable in color but usually yellowish gray, yellowish, or greenish gray, when old becoming dingy brownish; very viscid, surface covered with a separable tenacious pellicle; white-pruinose when young but becoming bald and shiny, often striate-grooved when old; flesh tenacious; colored as surface, dingy reddish in age. ODOR strong, somewhat resembling fresh cucumber. TASTE rancid-farinaceous and very strong. GILLS adnate to arched or with decurrent tooth, 18-26 reaching stem, 2 tiers of subgills, narrow to moderately broad; whitish, yellowish or tinged greenish gray, often spotted reddish brown in age, edges pallid. STEM 3-7 (10) x 0.1-0.2 (0.3) cm, tenacious; lemon yellow or tinged greenish yellow, in age usually reddish at base; viscid, faintly pruinose overall when young but soon shining and slimy. HABITAT under oak and pine. DISTRIBUTION at least OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8-11 x 5-8 um, amyloid; 2-spored or 4-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 40-60 x 6-9 um, with long flexuous gelatinizing pedicels, tops club-shaped and covered with short contorted projections or obtuse finger-like processes. REMARKS Smith's description is followed here.
213a (208b) Odor distinctive
213b Odor not distinctive
If cap 0.5-1.0 cm, consider also Mycena pusilla (see 734b in unabridged version) which has cap and stem lubricous when wet (slippery to tough) rather than viscid or slimy.
214a Odor and taste strongly disagreeable or watermelon or rancid-farinaceous; stem 5-7.5 cm long, at first brownish gray, somewhat viscid to viscid; cap relatively large; (pleurocystidia present, cheilocystidia with finger-like projections and gelatinizing)
................................................................................Mycena tenax
CAP 1-3 cm, cap center flattened or slightly depressed at maturity; grayish brown fading to pale gray; bald and greasy to somewhat viscid, pellicle separable, when old striate to the abruptly translucent-watery disc; flesh pliant, tough. ODOR and TASTE strong, disagreeable, rancid-farinaceous, or green watermelon or watermelon rind. GILLS adnate or with slight decurrent tooth, 24-27 reaching stem, narrow (0.2-0.3 cm); pallid to grayish. STEM 5-7.5 x 0.2-0.3 cm, tenacious consistency, colored as cap or paler; bald, somewhat viscid to viscid, pruinose toward top, base white-hairy. HABITAT under conifers. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6.5-8 x 3.5-4 um, narrowly elliptic, pointed at one end, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia club-shaped and with finger-like projections over the top, gelatinizing as in M. vulgaris, colorless, dimensions not given but Maas Geesteranus gives 9-21 x 4.5-10 um, pleurocystidia scattered, 60-70 x 8-12 um, (Maas Geesteranus gives 27-105 x 9-16 um), narrowly fusiform to subcylindric with abruptly pointed tops, some with slightly thickened walls. REMARKS Smith's description is followed except where indicated. M. vulgaris (see 215b) also has gelatinizing cheilocystidia but among other differences, there are no pleurocystidia and the odor is mild.
214b Persistent fruity odor developing shortly after picked; stem 1-2 cm long, at first dark gray to bluish gray, in age stem often covered with gluten that may collect at the base as in Roridomyces roridus; cap smaller; (pleurocystidia absent, cheilocystidia filamentous and smooth)
................................................................................Mycena odorifera
CAP 0.4-1.0 (1.5) cm, bluish gray or dark gray brown on disc, margin whitish, becoming gray or brownish all over; pruinose at first, not viscid to touch at first but soon becoming so; flesh tough, cartilaginous. ODOR strong developing soon after picked and persistent in dried material, fragrant (somewhat resembling that of Tricholoma caligatum), (Smith), subalkaline according to Peck, apparently at times faint and remaining unnoticed, (Maas Geesteranus). TASTE slight. GILLS adnate soon arched and when old distinctly decurrent, close to subdistant, narrow to moderately broad, tapering toward margin of cap; white to pale gray, edges pallid. STEM 1-2 (3) x 0.1-0.15 cm, elastic and cartilaginous; dark gray to bluish gray becoming pallid; at first finely white pruinose, soon bald and glutinous to touch, gluten may collect at base, base slightly hairy. HABITAT on conifer needles or among leaves, late spring and summer. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, rare. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9 x (3) 4-4.5 um, broadly elliptic, strongly amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia 38-46 x 6-7 um, filamentous, smooth; pleurocystidia not seen.
215a Cap 1-4 cm broad, stem 4-7 cm long, gill edge not gelatinous, (conspicuous cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia)
................................................................................Mycena quinaultensis
CAP 1-4 cm, brownish black at first, becoming paler from margin and buffy brown; viscid to glutinous when young, bald, striate to disc, grooved to wrinkled when old; flesh pliant. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate, developing slight decurrent tooth, 15-18 reaching stem, narrow but slightly broader in middle at times (0.3 cm); whitish becoming pallid to grayish, gill edge not gelatinous. STEM 4-7 x 0.15-0.25 (0.3) cm, rigid, colored as cap, often paler at top; viscid to glutinous when moist, bald at top, base sparsely hairy. HABITAT on needle beds under conifers. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR, CA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6.5-8 x 3-3.5 um, narrowly elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia abundant, 80-110 x 5-10 um, subcylindric or slightly inflated toward base, colorless, thin-walled except for slight irregular thickenings toward the base. REMARKS Viscid layer on cap and stem are easily washed away making it sometimes difficult to recognize. Mycena clavicularis might key out here if cap is greasy and regarded as viscid (see 203b). | Mycena quinaultensis Michael Beug |
215b Cap 0.8-1.5 cm, stem 2-3 cm long (cap smaller and stem shorter than 215a), gill edge gelatinous, (cheilocystidia cylindric much branched to clavate roughened, embedded in gelatinous matrix, pleurocystidia absent).
................................................................................Mycena vulgaris
common Mycena
CAP 0.8-1.5 cm, not hygrophanous, dark gray brown on cap center fading to smoke gray or yellow gray all over; bald, very viscid with moist separable skin, striate to disc, striations dark, grooved when faded; flesh pliant. ODOR slight, somewhat nauseous or radish-like, in Europe can be farinaceous according to Maas Geesteranus. TASTE slightly disagreeable. GILLS adnate, soon arched, becoming decurrent, 13-17 reaching stem, 1-2 tiers subgills, moderately broad (up to 0.2 cm), sometimes forking near base; whitish to pale gray, according to Maas Geesteranus the edge viscid, separable as elastic-tough thread. STEM 2-3 x 0.1 cm, (2-6 x 0.1-0.15 cm according to Maas Geesteranus), cartilaginous; color as cap or paler in upper part; bald, slimy or merely viscid, slightly hairy at base. HABITAT on needle beds under conifers. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR, ID. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6-8 (9) x 3.5-4 um, drop-shaped to somewhat elliptic, amyloid, (reaction may be weak according to Maas Geesteranus); basidia 4-spored; gill edges gelatinous with clavate-roughened cheilocystidia embedded in the matrix (these are often very indistinct), (Maas Geesteranus says embedded in gelatinous matter, simple to forked, cylindric, distally much branched and with a multitude of fine gelatinizing projections), pleurocystidia none. REMARKS this description adapted from Smith except where indicated.
301a Cap, stem, and bulb at first appearing pubescent from thick-walled setae (long hairs) visible under hand lens, cap 0.1-0.5 cm wide, dark bluish gray or brown gray, becoming pallid, whole fruiting body extremely fragile, (spores inamyloid, cheilocystidia with needle-like projections)
................................................................................Mycena longiseta
301b Cap, stem, and bulb not bearing setae
302a Growing on dead Gaultheria shallon (salal) leaves, cap yellowish, bulb (disc) at base of stem bright yellow
................................................................................Mycena gaultheri
CAP 0.1-0.3 (0.4) cm, greenish yellow overall, or center dingy yellow brown, buff-colored toward margin; bald, moist, when damp conspicuously striate to the disc, with dark striations; flesh membranous, not fragile. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate, 7-9 reaching a collar at stem, 0-1 tier of subgills; whitish. STEM 2-4 cm, threadlike, separable from cap, straight or curved both ways; whitish in upper part, pale yellowish in lower part; polished toward top; seated on flat or top-shaped basal disc up to 0.1 cm across which is pale orange yellow and hairy. HABIT singly or in groups of two or more. HABITAT on dead leaves of salal. DISTRIBUTION found at least WA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8-9 (10) x 4-5 um, narrowly elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored or occasionally 1-, 2-, or 3-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 18-36 x 9-16 um, clavate to subcapitate, the enlarged part with short (and a few longer) mostly unbranched projections, colorless, pleurocystidia not seen; cap cuticle a gelatinized layer bearing a layer of lens-shaped to clavate cells 17-30 um wide, about 20 um deep on short stems, with dense projections on exposed surface.
302b Growing on woody debris, mossy trunks, needles, other leaves, herbaceous stems, fern rhizomes, or plant debris, or cap or stem base different
303a Cap having chalky appearance with a sugar-like coating
303b Cap bald or soon becoming so
304a Stem short, 0.5-1.5 cm long, pruinose or finely hairy, stem base bulb-like becoming flattened into a disc, growing on woody debris or mossy trunks, (basidia (1-) 2-spored; cheilocystidia variable in shape, from smooth to warty to having rodlike projections up to 6.3 um long)
................................................................................Mycena adscendens
Mycena tenerrima (Berk.) Quél. is synonymized with this species.
304b Stem 2-3 cm long, densely hairy, stem base thickened but no distinct disc, growing on fern rhizomes (especially in hothouses) or on needles, (basidia (2-) 4-spored; cheilocystidia clavate to fusiform, warty but rodlike projections not longer than 3 um)
................................................................................Mycena alphitophora
Mycena osmundicola Lange is synonymized with this species.
CAP (0.2) 0.3-0.6 cm, pale gray under white powdery covering, fading to chalk white; dry and powdery due to sugar-like covering seen under 10x lens; flesh thin, flaccid. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS free or with slight decurrent tooth, distant to subdistant, narrow; white. STEM 2-3 cm long and up to 0.1 cm thick, separable from cap, white downy from base upward, chalky in appearance in age, base thickened and abruptly inserted into debris. HABITAT on fern debris, conifer needles, (Smith), usually found on fern rhizomes in hothouses, only occasionally in nature, (Maas Geesteranus). DISTRIBUTION at least BC, WA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9 (10) x 4-5 um, elliptic, weakly amyloid; basidia usually 4-spored, rarely 2-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 18-28 x 9-15 um, clavate, the enlarged part covered with small blunt projections or densely warty, (Maas Geesteranus says 23-31 x 8-14.5 um, clavate to fusiform, rather sparsely covered with cylindrical projections 1.8-3 um long), pleurocystidia none; cap tissue covered with layer of inflated or round readily detachable warty cells 18-24 x 10-30 um. REMARKS description derived from that of Smith for Mycena osmundicola except where noted.
305a (303b) Cap 0.2-0.6 cm, pruinose to bald, pale gray to grayish brownish or vinaceous buff, gill edge gelatinous, growing on monocots (Carex, Juncus, Scirpus), (cheilocystidia narrow (up to 7.5 um), with one to several apical projections which are often branching)
................................................................................Mycena bulbosa
CAP 0.2-0.6 cm, pale avellaneous to vinaceous buff; moist, translucent-striate. GILLS adnate, moderately spaced, 2 tiers of subgills, moderately broad, narrowly ventricose; whitish. STEM 0.2-0.8 x 0.01-0.05 cm, cartilaginous arising from downy radially striate whitish basal disc up to 0.15 cm wide; stem colored as cap; dry, finely pubescent. HABITAT on basal sheaths of Carex (sedge), on herbaceous stems, e.g. Juncus (rush), Scirpus (club-rush), and Glyceria (mannagrass). DISTRIBUTION at least BC. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8.8-11.2 x 3.7-5.0 um, elliptic to cylindric, inamyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, forming a sterile edge, embedded in a gelatinous matrix, 18-58 x 5-17 um, thin walled, colorless, polymorphic, usually with a coralloid apex, varying to an irregularly fusoid or clavate form with few outgrowths, often with a long pedicel, pleurocystidia not seen.
305b Cap 0.3-1.5 cm wide, bald or under hand lens may have scattered spines around disc, watery gray with paler margin, gill edge not gelatinous, growing on leaves, needles, and other plant debris, (cheilocystidia 8-13 um wide, fusoid-ventricose or with finger-like projections)
................................................................................Mycena stylobates
CAP 0.3-1.5 cm, somewhat hygrophanous, watery gray to gray brown with a whitish margin; fading to pallid or nearly white; moist, smooth or under a hand lens cap may have scattered coarse spines especially around disc, striate, becoming grooved; flesh not markedly fragile for such a small fruiting body. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS narrowly adnate, 8-16 reaching stem, 1-2 tiers of subgills, narrow becoming wider in middle or even very broad in age; pale gray becoming whitish. STEM (0.5) 1-6 x 0.05-0.1 cm, cartilaginous, attached to a flat circular cottony fringed disc up to 0.1 cm in diameter at the base, the disc striate from gill impressions and pruinose or finely pubescent, then bald; stem bluish gray to whitish when fresh, fading through watery gray to whitish; covered with fine white scattered fibrils or delicately pruinose, becoming bald. HABITAT on leaves, needles, and other plant debris, spring and summer or early fall. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, ID, reported from BC. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6-10 x 3.5-4.5 um, narrowly elliptic, faintly amyloid; basidia 4-spored, rarely 2-spored; cheilocystidia abundant and variable, 26-38 x 8-13 um, usually clavate with thick obtuse projections (2-5) arising from near the apex, sometimes more or less covered with numerous projections over the enlarged part and the neck more or less contorted, pleurocystidia not seen; cap pellicle usually gelatinizes, the surface hyphae covered with short rodlike projections, occasionally some of the hyphae become aggregated into peg-like structures (which cause the appearance of scattered coarse spines under 10x lens).
Note: If none of these fit well, go back to 4. Several other mycenoid species have a somewhat enlarged base. For instance, Mycena culmigena (514a) has a 0.1-0.3cm cap that is grayish vinaceous or with a purplish tinge and grows on sedges and rushes, attaching by an inconspicuous disc.
401a Gill edge orange, cap center olive gray-brown to yellowish olive
................................................................................Mycena aurantiomarginata
401b Gill edge or cap center some other color
402a Gill edge some shade of yellow
402b Gill edge some other color
403a Gill edge bright lemon yellow; cap bright yellow to orange; pruinose stem 1-3 cm long inserted into individual needle or oak leaf; (spores 7-10 x 2.5-4 um)
................................................................................Mycena oregonensis
403b Gill edge greenish yellow, or cap olive or brown, or stem not pruinose, or stem not inserted into individual needle or oak leaf, spores various sizes
404a Gill edge bright lemon yellow, cap 0.5-1.0 cm wide, stem 2-6 cm long, face of gill dingy yellow gray, spores 6.5-8 x 4-4.5 um (8-10 x 4-5 um in 2-spored form)
................................................................................Mycena olivaceobrunnea
Smith says this differs from M. citrinomarginata by consistently smaller size and smaller spores. Maas Geesteranus remeasured the spores of Smith's specimens at 7.6-9.8 x 4.6-5.4 um, and synonymized this species with Mycena citrinomarginata (even though these are still on the short side for his measurements on M. citrinomarginata); however, Michael Beug has found a Mycena in Washington with spore size and color fitting Smith's description.
CAP 0.5-1.0 cm, buff-brown to dark olive buff with pallid margin, fading to dingy yellowish gray; bald, moist, striate to disc with broad dark lines; flesh membranous; pallid. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate, 14-16 reaching stem, narrow to moderately broad, about 0.1-0.15 cm; dingy yellowish gray; edges bright lemon yellow. STEM 2-6 x (0.05) 0.1-0.15 cm, weak and very fragile; olive brown toward the base, deep olive buff or dingy yellowish gray in upper part; bald and polished in upper part, base sparsely white-hairy. HABITAT on humus, moss carpets and needle beds under Douglas-fir, May to October. DISTRIBUTION WA to CA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 6.5-8 x 4-4.5 um (8-10 x 4-5 um when 2-spored), elliptic, amyloid; basidia 2-spored to 4-spored; cheilocystidia 30-44 x 8-18 um, fusoid-ventricose to clavate, with or without narrowed neck, the neck sometimes branched or sometimes with scattered blunt projections over enlarged part. REMARKS Maas Geesteranus remeasured spores at 7.6-9.8 x 4.5-5.4 um.
404b Gill edge greenish yellow or light yellow, cap (0.4) 1-3.5 (4) cm wide, stem 3-12 cm or longer, gill face whitish or gray, spores 8-11 x 4-5.5 um for 4-spored variety, 12-14 x 5-6 um if 2-spored
405a Gill edge greenish yellow, stem 4-15 cm long, cap dark olive with light yellow margin, 21-28 gills reaching stem, gill face pale olive gray, often reddish stains on stem and gills
................................................................................Mycena chloranthoides
Mycena elegans (Fr.) Quél. sensu A.H. Sm. was synonymized by Maas Geesteranus with this species, but Mycena elegans (Fr.) Pers. is synonymous with M. aurantiomarginata.
CAP (0.4) 1.5-2.5 (3.5) cm, somewhat hygrophanous, blackish olive with pale yellow margin, fading to olive-gray or avellaneous with a white margin; white-pruinose, becoming bald; moist, translucent-striate; flesh fragile. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate, 21-28 reaching stem, 0.25-0.4 cm broad, broader in middle; pale olive-gray with pale green-yellow edge, gills sometimes staining purplish brown in age. STEM 4-12 (15) x 0.15-0.3 cm, equal or somewhat enlarged at base, fragile; pale or dark olive-gray with a yellow tinge, top pale yellow at times, often staining dull reddish brown from base upward; pruinose near top, mostly bald, base with pale green-yellow hairs. HABITAT under conifers, especially western red cedar. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8.5-9.2 x 4.6-5.3 um, elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia 24-32 x 8-14.5 um, slender-clavate to broadly clavate, covered with comparatively few, fairly evenly spaced, cylindrical projections 1.8-2.7 um long, more rarely longer and somewhat irregularly shaped, pleurocystidia similar to cheilocystidia. REMARKS description derived from Maas Geesteranus except where noted.
405b Gill edge pale yellow (when cap yellow, dingy brown when cap brown), stem 3-8 cm long, cap color variable: grayish yellow or brownish yellow or bright yellow or dark brown or even white, fading to yellowish or olive gray, 14-20 gills reaching stem, gill face white or ash gray, reddish brown stains on gills not noted
................................................................................Mycena citrinomarginata
yellow-edged Mycena
406a (402b) Gill edge scarlet when young, face of gill yellow to pale pinkish orange, cap fire-red fading to orange
................................................................................Mycena strobilinoides
flame Mycena, red-orange Mycena
CAP 1-2 cm, conic when young, either not expanding or becoming bellshaped; not hygrophanous, red, soon fading to scarlet, then slowly to orange and finally yellow or even whitish; moist, greasy but not viscid, margin striate when moist, becoming grooved, edge often scalloped; flesh pliant; yellowish. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate to slightly decurrent, 15-20 reaching stem, narrow, 0.2-0.3 cm; yellow to pale pinkish-orange, the edges scarlet, at least when young. STEM 3-6 x 0.1-0.2 cm, fragile, solid or with a very small lumen, pliant, cartilaginous; orange to yellow; with orange pruinose coating toward top, base with orange hairs. HABITAT in needle beds under conifers (especially pine), especially in mountains. DISTRIBUTION BC, WA, OR, CA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9 x 4-5 (5.5) um, elliptic, strongly amyloid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 18-50 x 7-13.5 um, clavate to subfusoid, the upper portion covered with rod-like projections, contents bright to pale orange, pleurocystidia similar, scattered to abundant. REMARKS Red species include M. adonis, M. acicula, M. monticola, (gills not marginate in these three). M. rosella has pink cap, dingy rose gill edges and different pleurocystidia. M. aurantiidisca is orange from the start, and gills not marginate.
406b Gill edge some shade of pink, rose, brown, or purple, face of gill and cap various colors
Note that Mycena haematopus and Mycena sanguinolenta may also key out here if the colored juice is missed, or if the identifier goes straight to the section for marginate gills without starting the key at the beginning. Species with blackish edged gills or brown-edged gills that do not key out here, should be keyed in the section for Gray, Brown, or Black species. Hydropus marginellus (see 104) could also key here if the clear juice from the cap is missed.
407a Odor nitrous (bleach-like)
................................................................................Mycena capillaripes
CAP (0.5) 1-2 (2.5) cm, margin may be lobed or scalloped; cap vinaceous gray, at times nearly fuscous with only margin reddish, occasionally dark grayish-red all over; smooth with hoary bloom at first, soon bald and appearing moist, translucent-striate, grooved when faded; flesh fragile. ODOR weakly or strongly nitrous [bleach-like] if fresh material crushed, occasionally mild or somewhat radish-like. TASTE slightly acid. GILLS ascending-adnate and usually with decurrent tooth, 12-18 reaching stem, 1 to 3 tiers of subgills; face pale or grayish, edge pale pink, rose color, pinkish brown, red-brown, or purplish brown at least on the larger gills, but sometimes colored as face, face densely punctate with minute pinkish brownish or dark red-brown to purple brown dots due to pleurocystidia. STEM (2) 3-6 (8) x 0.1-0.15 (0.25) cm, equal, very fragile; pale or dark grayish vinaceous, top sometimes pallid and base dingy; with a faint bloom at first, soon bald and polished, translucent, base with white hairs. HABITAT on needle beds (Maas Geesteranus says generally on fallen needles of conifers but occasionally on litter of hardwood trees such as oak). DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR, ID, CA, often common. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9 (10) x 4-5 um, 10-13 (14) x 4.5-6 um in 2- and 3-spored forms, elliptic to slightly oval, amyloid; basidia 2-, 3-, and 4-spored; cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia similar, rare or more usually abundant, fusoid-ventricose with blunt tops or elongating or somewhat cylindric with slightly tapered tops, smooth, rarely forked, contents pale or dark pinkish brown. Maas Geesteranus says hyphae and hymenial elements clamped, clamps usually easy to find. REMARKS description derived from Smith except where noted. M. pelianthina may be similar in having purplish brown gill edge, densely punctate gill faces, and smooth cheilocystidia, and could be confused when the odor is radish-like, but M. pelianthina has at least 26 gills reaching the stem, and spores are smaller. M. rosella is more fragile, brighter in color, and mild in odor. M. renati shares a nitrous to radish-like odor, and some of Smith's M. 'elegantula' collections for North America are M. renati, but unconfirmed for Pacific Northwest.
407b Odor mild or radish-like
408a Odor radish-like
408b Odor mild
409a 12-18 gills reaching stem
................................................................................Mycena capillaripes
See 407a for description.
409b More than 20 gills reaching stem
410a Gill edge dingy reddish purple, apex of grayish stem may be bright or dingy yellow under purple fibrils, flesh of apex of stem yellow, (spores 8-10 x 4-5 um)
................................................................................Mycena rutilantiformis
410b Gill edge dark purplish or dark purplish brown, apex of stem pallid with slight yellowish, brownish or lilaceous tint under purple fibrils, flesh of apex of stem pallid, (spores 5.5-7 x 3-3.5 um)
................................................................................Mycena pelianthina
CAP 1.5-5 cm, hygrophanous, dull dingy brown fading to pallid or avellaneous, sometimes with a dingy purplish or pinkish tint; bald, moist; flesh fragile. ODOR and TASTE distinctly of radish, or sometimes, at least in Europe, experienced as disagreeable, farinaceous. GILLS adnate or with a decurrent tooth, 26-32 reaching stem, 2-3 tiers of subgills, broad; dingy grayish-vinaceous or flushed purplish, edges dark purplish or dark purplish brown. STEM 2-6 x 0.2-0.8 cm, equal, sometimes enlarged at either end, fragile; top tinged purple from fibrils, otherwise pallid (not yellow) or with slight yellowish, brownish or lilaceous tint, pale beige, or pale brownish flesh-colored; innately appressed longitudinally fibrillose-striate, top bald or with fine fibrils or fibrillose points under hand lens, or may be lengthwise striate by raised, dark purplish brown fibrils; base white hairy; flesh of apex of stem pallid. HABITAT on humus in hardwood or coniferous forests. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 5.5-7 x 3-3.5 um, pointed at one end and blunt on the other, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia similar and very abundant, 46-64 x 9-15 um, with a dull purplish-brown content, smooth, fusoid-ventricose, apices acute. REMARKS M. rutilantiformis is more common and has spores 4 um or more broad, and often bright yellow tints at top of stem. M. capillaripes may be similar to M. pelianthina in having purplish brown gill edge, densely punctate gill faces, smooth cheilocystidia, and occasionally radish odor, but M. capillaripes has no more than 20 gills reaching the stem.
411a (408b) Gill edges pink to orange red, growing on previous year's dead moist fern fronds
................................................................................Mycena pterigena
CAP 0.1-0.5 cm, at first coral (rose-colored) to apricot or peach-colored, soon whitish with coral tints centrally and on margins or fading to grayish vinaceous (rose tint may persist along margin); translucent and somewhat pleated-striate; flesh membranous but not fragile. ODOR mild. GILLS ascending, broadly adnate, moderately spaced, 1 tier of subgills; whitish or pale rose becoming whitish, with edges tinted cap color or fading. STEM 0.2-4 x 0.01-0.05 cm, threadlike, tough, not readily separable from cap; colored as cap or paler, becoming transparent and finally grayish brown; with slightly swollen base, attached by minute circular mat of radiating almost colorless hairs; bald except for a slight basal pubescence. HABITAT along fallen fronds of lady-fern (Athyrium filix-femina), mostly in very dense stands of the ferns with abundant accumulated litter. DISTRIBUTION BC, WA, OR, ID, generally rare. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-10 x 3.5-5 um, narrowly to broadly elliptic, strongly to weakly amyloid in the same mounts; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia abundant, 19-24 x 11-13 um, clavate to almost spherical, colorless to pale pinkish, covered apically by short to long finger-like projections up to 10 um long; pleurocystidia absent to scattered, similar to the cheilocystidia. REMARKS M. lohwagii (see unabridged version) also in fern habitat, but is larger, grayish sepia when young instead of coral-colored, colonizes rhizomes rather than frond tissue, has wider spores, and has shorter projections on the cheilocystidia. | Mycena pterigena Michael Beug |
411b Gill edges reddish, reddish brown, or purplish, growing on needle beds or wood
If gill edge dull brown to olivaceous brown, consider the rare entity Mycena 'viridimarginata' sensu A.H. Sm. However, Maas Geesteranus says description is wrong for Mycena viridimarginata Karsten, and Smith says it is "almost the counterpart of M. rubromarginata in habit, color, stature, and consistency but differs in the dingy olive-gray to yellow-gray colors that develop, especially along the gill edges", the gill edges also described as "dull brown to olivaceous brown".
412a Growing on needle beds; gill edges reddish, reddish brown, or purplish brown
412b Growing on wood; gill edges reddish, reddish brown, purple, grayish purple, or violet
413a Cap color pink, tinged with gray or brown on disc, gill faces pink
................................................................................Mycena rosella
CAP 1-2 cm, bright pink to brownish pink tinged with gray or brown on disc; moist to lubricous, translucent-striate, somewhat grooved, at first white-pruinose; flesh pliant. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate, sometimes slightly notched or with decurrent tooth, 15-24 reaching stem, 1 or 2 tiers of subgills, moderately broad (about 0.25 cm), interveined; pale to rather bright rose color, edges a darker dingy reddish to purplish color, faces with minute reddish dots. STEM 2.5-7 x 0.1-0.15 (0.25) cm, equal, rather flexible, translucent; pale rose or grayish rose; lubricous but not viscid, bald or reddish pruinose in upper part, base covered in rough whitish hairs. HABITAT on needle beds. DISTRIBUTION BC, WA, OR, ID, CA, common. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9 x 4-5 um, elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia abundant, 60-80 x 10-14 um, narrowly fusoid-ventricose, smooth, with reddish contents when fresh, cheilocystidia 21-36 x 9-15 um, clavate to somewhat fusoid, covered over all with short blunt projections, the top occasionally elongated and smooth and then only the wider middle part roughened, contents dark reddish. REMARKS M. capillaripes has less bright colors, is less fragile, and usually has nitrous [bleach-like] odor.
413b Cap vinaceous gray, at times nearly fuscous with only margin reddish, occasionally dark grayish-red all over, gill faces gray
................................................................................Mycena capillaripes
See 407a for description.
414a (412a) Cap dark purplish, fading to purplish gray or purplish brown, and with lilac cast when faded, gill edges violet to dark grayish purple
................................................................................Mycena purpureofusca
CAP 0.5-2.5 cm, slightly hygrophanous, according to Smith dark purplish with a paler (lilac) margin when young, fading to purplish-gray (Maas Geesteranus says "at first violet… gradually becoming more purplish and becoming suffused with grayish or brownish tints, paler towards the margin"); hoary at first but soon bald, moist not viscid, translucent-striate when moist and mature; flesh pliant, cartilaginous. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS narrowly adnate, moderately close, 20-30 reaching stem, narrow; pallid to grayish with violet to dark grayish-purple edges. STEM 3-10 x 0.1-0.2 cm, equal, rather cartilaginous and tough, colored like cap or paler in upper part; bald, base with white hairs and sometimes prolonged into a 'root'. HABIT single or cespitose. HABITAT on conifer wood and debris (Maas Geesteranus says on decaying coniferous wood). DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR, ID, MT, CA. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8-14 x 6-8.5 um, broadly elliptic, amyloid; basidia 2-spored or 4-spored; pleurocystidia not differentiated, cheilocystidia abundant and conspicuous, 30-50 (64) x 7-12 (15) um, fusoid-ventricose, the apices often becoming forked when old, filled with a dull-purplish sap.
414b Cap dark gray to dark brown, or vinaceous brown, with or without tinge of reddish pink, or lilac; gill edges reddish brown, dark purplish brown, vinaceous or pinkish
415a Cap dark gray to dark brown, with or without tinge of vinaceous, reddish, pink, or lilac; gill edges bright to dingy reddish brown, or dark purplish brown
................................................................................Mycena rubromarginata
CAP 0.7-2.0 cm, dark gray to dark brown, with or without tinge of vinaceous, reddish, pink, or lilac, soon becoming paler, the disc remaining darker than the margin, sometimes the margin tinged reddish at first; moist, striate, densely pruinose, soon bald; flesh fragile, watery. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS broadly adnate with slight tooth, 12-17 reaching stem, 1 or 2 tiers of subgills, moderately broad (about 0.3 cm), interveined; pallid with edges that are bright to dingy reddish brown, or dark purplish brown. STEM 2-4 (7) x 0.1-0.35 cm, equal, fragile, round in cross-section or compressed; watery gray brown or sometimes pinkish or yellowish brown before fading, translucent; bald, base bald or nearly so. HABITAT grows on naked dead conifer or hardwood branches. DISTRIBUTION at least BC, OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 10-12 x 5-7 um, broadly elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia rare, cheilocystidia 28-42 x 8-12 um, broadly fusoid-ventricose when young, elongating and when old somewhat irregular or narrower, tops sometimes forked. REMARKS Mycena viridimarginata Karsten is recorded by Smith as rare for WA with dull brown to olivaceous brown gill edges but Maas Geesteranus says the description is wrong. M. sanguinolenta has similar gill margins, but the stem exudes reddish or dull orange fluid. Smith gives cap colors of M. rubromarginata as "dark gray with a vinaceous tinge, soon becoming paler gray, the disk remaining darker that the margin, sometimes the margin tinged reddish at first" and the gill edges as bright to dingy reddish brown; Maas Geesteranus gives cap colors (apparently referring first to the margin) as "café-au-lait, grey-brown, gray, and without or with pink, lilaceous to reddish tints, darker at the center, dark brown to dark red-brown", and gill edges as "reddish, red-brown to dark purplish brown".
415b Cap dark vinaceous brown cap center with margin brighter, fading or retaining pinkish tint; gill edges pale pink to dingy vinaceous
................................................................................Mycena 'elegantula' Peck sensu A.H. Sm.
Maas Geesteranus has cast doubt on Smith's identification of this species by finding that three of the North American collections at random were not Mycena elegantula. One was M. renati Quél. which grows on wood but odor is described as nitrous, alkaline, radish-like, or ammoniacal. A later collection is also M. renati. Perry and Desjardin also found his M. elegantula specimens contained several taxa; in addition, Perry and Desjardin have redescribed what was usually being identified as M. elegantula or M. sanguinolenta in California on leaves and fruits of oak as Mycena californiensis with M. elegantula Peck - described among fallen leaves under trees - as a synonym. Whether Smith is describing an independent taxon is difficult to determine.
CAP (0.5) 1-2.5 (5.0) cm, dark vinaceous brown cap center with margin brighter, fading or retaining pink tint; bald, moist, sometimes translucent-striate, sometimes grooved at margin; flesh rather firm. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS adnate or hooked, 16-22 reach the stem, 2 tiers of subgills, narrow to moderately broad; whitish to grayish with pale pink to dingy vinaceous edges. STEM 2-6 (8) x 0.1-0.3 cm, equal, fragile, cartilaginous; variable color, but usually tinted as cap, fading, sometimes nearly white when old, sometimes with a strong pinkish tint; white hairy base, bald otherwise. HABIT usually single or gregarious, at times cespitose [tufted]. HABITAT on decayed wood, spring and fall. DISTRIBUTION according to Smith, at least WA, OR, ID, but species concept is questionable. MICROSTRUCTURES 8-12 x 5-7 um, broadly elliptic, amyloid; basidia 4-spored and 2-spored; pleurocystidia very rare or absent, similar to cheilocystidia, cheilocystidia scattered to fairly abundant, 40-75 x (5) 8-15 um, smooth or occasionally with two or three finger-like prolongations, clavate to fusoid-ventricose, contents usually pinkish. REMARKS description derived from Smith.
501a Cap with bluish tone
................................................................................Mycena amicta
501b Cap red, pink, yellow, orange, lavender, or brick-colored
502a Cap red
502b Cap pink, yellow, orange, brick-colored, lavender, purplish, other
503a Cap conic, scarlet to orange-red or pinkish, 0.6-2.2 cm; under conifers or hardwoods; (pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia smooth)
................................................................................Mycena adonis
Maas Geesteranus includes as synonyms M. amabilissima (Peck) Sacc., M. roseipallens Murrill, M. fusipes Murrill, and M. roseocandida (Peck) Sacc. Maas Geesteranus describes Mycena adonis as fading without yellow tints. Smith says that M. adonis becomes bright yellow as it fades as opposed to weak yellow or white for M. amabilissima. It is not clear where the yellow fading species fits in the Maas Geesteranus concept which is used for the description below except where specified
503b Cap convex, deep orange red fading to orange, pale salmon, or yellow, finally becoming pale, rarely over 0.7 cm; growing on hardwood debris in especially wet places around streams or edges of bogs; (pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia inconspicuous, tops often with resinous secretion)
................................................................................Mycena acicula
coral spring Mycena
503c Cap conic to bell-shaped, pinkish red (purplish red on disc, flame red to pinkish red toward margin), 1-3cm; growing abundantly under conifers (especially pine) in the fall, above 1000 m. altitude; (no pleurocystidia, cheilocystidia with short rod-like projections on enlarged part)
................................................................................Mycena monticola
See 507a for description.
504a (502b) Cap pink or rose color
504b Cap yellow, orange, brick-colored, lavender, purplish, other
505a Scattered to gregarious on decaying fern fronds
................................................................................Mycena pterigena
See 411a for description.
505b Growing on monocots in wet places or growing on needle beds
506a Growing on monocots in wet places
................................................................................Mycena tubarioides
CAP 0.2-0.7 cm, pale vinaceous or lilaceous pink or pink, darker at center, becoming paler; pruinose becoming bald, margin translucent-striate and grooved. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS broadly adnate to decurrent with a tooth, 6-12 reaching stem, no subgills or 1 tier, rarely 2, whitish to pale vinaceous or pale reddish brown or pale pink, edges colored as faces or whitish. STEM 0.7-2.3 x 0.02-0.12 cm, cartilaginous, equal or widening slightly downwards, straight or curved; cap-colored at base and paler in upper part; pruinose becoming bald. HABIT and HABITAT cespitose [tufted] to scattered on decayed leaf sheaths of Juncus (rush) and Typha (cat-tail) and decayed stems of Scirpus (club-rush) in wet places. DISTRIBUTION at least BC. MICROSTRUCTURES 10-12.2 x 4-5 um, elongate elliptic to almond-shaped, thin-walled, colorless, amyloid, with a prominent apiculus; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia none, cheilocystidia abundant, 13-23 x 5.5-9.5 um, capitate-pedicellate to clavate, with cylindric knobs at top, the cheilocystidia embedded in a gelatinous matrix. REMARKS M. culmigena (see 514a) might key out here but grows on Carex (sedge) culms and Juncus, and averages smaller, the stem arising from an inconspicuous disc.
506b Growing in needle beds
507a Cap 1-3cm, pinkish red, usually darker on the disc; growing abundantly under conifers (especially pine) in the fall, above 1000 m. altitude; (pleurocystidia none, cheilocystidia with short rod-like projections on enlarged part)
................................................................................Mycena monticola
507b Cap 1-2.5cm, brilliant pinkish red; growing on moss or needle beds or woody debris, spring, summer, fall; (abundant pleurocystidia, smooth cheilocystidia)
................................................................................Mycena adonis
See 503a for description.
507c Cap 2-5(6.5) cm, pink, lilac, purple, or other colors; growing on humus under conifers or hardwoods, spring, summer, fall; (pleurocystidia rare to abundant, cheilocystidia smooth or with a few cylindric projections)
................................................................................Mycena pura
See 513b for description.
508a (504b) Cap bright orange or dull orange
508b Cap yellow, brick-colored, lavender, purplish, other
509a Cap orange to buff with a depressed disc
................................................................................Rickenella fibula
Mycena fibula (Fr.) Kühner, Omphalina fibula (Bull.:Fr.) Quél., and Gerronema fibula (Bull.: Fr.) Singer are synonyms.
CAP (0.3) 0.8-1.2 (1.5) cm, slightly convex, flat or the disc faintly depressed at first, the margin straight or curved in slightly, when old the disc deeply depressed but the margin remaining downcurved; bright orange or ochraceous orange, soon changing to dingy ochraceous or buff, in some collections dull pale brown colors appear from the first; moist when fresh, striate; flesh fragile. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS long-decurrent, 17-20 reaching stem, 1 or 2 tiers of subgills, narrowed at extremities but broad in the notch between cap and stem, often interveined; white or whitish. STEM 1-4 x 0.1-0.15 (0.2) cm, equal, fragile; colored as cap and fading in the same manner; finely downy, becoming bald when old. HABITAT on beds of moss. DISTRIBUTION BC, WA, OR, ID, common. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 4.5-6 x 2-2.5 um, narrowly elliptic, inamyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia scattered to abundant, 36-56 x 6-10 um, subcylindric to subfusoid, the apex tending to be more rounded than pointed, at times subcapitate. REMARKS Rickenella swartzii has different coloring but occurs in the same habitat and is associated with it fairly often (see 703a). Omphalina and Chrysomphalina species may have cap with similar appearance, but Rickenella fibula has long stem, always grows with moss, and has conspicuous pileocystidia and pleurocystidia. | Rickenella fibula Ben Woo |
509b Cap bright orange, disc not depressed
................................................................................Mycena aurantiidisca
510a (508b) Cap yellow
510b Cap brick-colored, lavender, purplish, other
511a Cap tiny, 0.2-1.0 cm wide, bright yellow to orange, growing on individual needles
................................................................................Mycena oregonensis
See 403a for description.
511b Cap 1-2 (2.5) cm wide, creamy buff or clearer yellow, margin almost white, growing on needle beds or on humus
................................................................................Mycena flavoalba
Mycena citrinomarginata might also key to 511 if the gills are not marginate.
CAP 1-2 (2.5) cm, hygrophanous, yellowish buff to clearer yellow at first, the margin paler and almost white, fading to whitish on the disc and yellowish white along the margin (buttons pink in one variation); smooth, bald, translucent-striate; flesh moderately fragile. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS ascending and somewhat uncinate [hooked] or with decurrent tooth, 18-24 reaching stem, 2 tiers of subgills, narrow becoming rather broad (0.25cm becoming 0.3-0.4cm), interveined at times; whitish. STEM 3-8 x 0.1-0.25 cm, equal, not particularly fragile, somewhat elastic, cartilaginous; white to pale yellow; bald, when moist translucent, pruinose toward top, base white-hairy or surrounded by matted white mycelium. HABITAT scattered to densely gregarious on needle beds or humus under oaks. DISTRIBUTION WA, OR, ID, on field trip lists from BC. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9 x 3-4.5 um, elliptic, inamyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia similar and abundant, 46-62 x 9-14 (18) um, fusoid-ventricose with long rather narrow necks, the neck often incrusted with a mucilaginous substance, otherwise smooth, colorless. REMARKS The description is derived from Smith's. M. adonis might be confused if fading to yellow as Smith describes. Mycena acicula and Mycena aurantiidisca also fade to yellow.
512a (510b) Cap brick-colored
................................................................................Mycena adonis
This describes Mycena roseipallens Murrill, which Maas Geesteranus synonymizes with Mycena adonis (Fr.) Gray.
See 503a for description.
512b Cap lavender, purplish, vinaceous, or other color
513a Growing only on monocots; cap less than 0.8 cm wide, pinkish, vinaceous, or with purplish tinge
513b Common under conifers and hardwoods, not growing only on monocots; medium to large, cap 2-4 (6.5) cm wide, color variable: lilac, pink, beige, purple, yellow, gray, blue-gray, pale blue, blue-green with a yellowish center, pale yellow flushed pale bluish or pale violet at margin, whitish tinged purple or blue at center, or white
................................................................................Mycena pura
Mycena subaquosa A.H. Sm. is considered a synonym of Mycena pura forma alba.
lilac Mycena
514a Cap 0.1-0.3 cm wide, scattered on Carex (sedge) culms and Juncus (rush), arising from inconspicuous disc
................................................................................Mycena culmigena
Maas Geesteranus synonymizes Mycena juncicola (Fr.) Gillet sensu A.H. Sm. with this species.
CAP 0.1-0.3 cm, grayish vinaceous or with a purple tinge, paler to whitish at the margin; minutely downy, not or little translucent-striate to grooved; flesh fragile. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS broadly adnate to decurrent with a tooth, 8-10 reaching stem, narrow; pale grayish vinaceous, with grayish to whitish edge. STEM 0.3-1.0 x 0.01-0.02 cm, equal, fragile, arising from an inconspicuous flat vinaceous to brownish disc up to 0.1 cm across; stem watery grayish white to grayish vinaceous; pruinose in upper part, bald lower down. HABITAT on decaying sedge leaves and stems and on rushes, along lake, river, and ocean shores. DISTRIBUTION BC, WA, OR. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 9.4-12.1 x 4.6-5.4 um, broadly elliptic to somewhat elongate, weakly amyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia absent, cheilocystidia abundant, 22-27 x 8-14.5 um, obpyriform to clavate, fairly evenly covered with cylindric, simple or sometimes branched projections. REMARKS M. pterigena (see 411a) has different habitat and no gelatinous pellicle.
514b Cap 0.2-0.7 cm wide, on decayed leaf sheaths of Juncus (rush) and Typha (cat-tail) and stems of Scirpus (club-rush) in wet places, not arising from disc
................................................................................Mycena tubarioides
See 506a for description.
Introduction These species are often difficult to identify and in most cases a microscope is needed. Usually the right species can be found by checking the size and shape of the spores and the shape of the cheilocystidia (sterile cells on the edges of the gills) and the pleurocystidia (on their faces). In the unabridged key, the cheilocystidia are illustrated diagrammatically in each case in this section.
Smooth spores are assumed in the descriptions unless otherwise stated. The spore ornamentation is diagnostic in Mycenella nodulosa, Gamundia striatula, and Fayodia gracilipes.
Note on species with bleach-like odor The most prominent character of a grayish brown Mycena is sometimes a bleach-like odor, and these Mycenas are common in the Pacific Northwest, especially on wood. In the technical literature, the odor may be described as alkaline or nitrous or of chlorine. Though apparently distinguishable, the odors are close. For instance, Maas Geesteranus gives the odor of M. stipata as "nitrous (also stated to be alcaline or even of chlorine)". In A.H. Smith's scheme, most of these would be Mycena 'alcalina', or Mycena 'leptocephala', but it is not easy to distinguish his concepts of the two, and Maas Geesteranus calls both concepts into question. Some other species may have bleach-like odor at times, especially if weak. (H. delectabilis is a white species with a nitrous odor, and M. capillaripes a marginate one.) It may be possible to confirm microscopically that collections fit the Maas Geesteranus description of Mycena leptocephala (including inflated terminal cells of stem cortex) or another of his species concepts. Other collections may best be designated on identification lists as "Mycena sp." with a description of the odor in parentheses.
701a Gray striate cap 2-5 cm wide, gray stem 4-10 cm long which becomes reddish brown toward base, stem base with coarse whitish hairs, and cespitose (tufted) growth in spring on conifer logs
................................................................................Mycena overholtsii
large Mycena
701b Not as above
702a Grayish brown cap which is often centrally depressed, grayish brown stem, whitish gills, growing on burnt soil and debris
................................................................................Myxomphalia maura
702b Not as above
703a Stem dark at top and lighter (pinkish brown to grayish) over lower half, cap 0.6-0.2 cm, violet-brown to violet-gray, the margin pinkish brown and fading, gills long decurrent, growing on moss
................................................................................Rickenella swartzii
Synonyms include Rickenella setipes (Fr.) Raith. and Mycena swartzii (Fr.) A.H. Sm.
CAP 0.6-1.2 cm, flat when young with margin downcurved, at maturity disc slightly depressed and the margin flat or slightly raised; violet brown to violet gray on disc, the margin paler pinkish brown; moist, striate, at first pruinose, becoming bald; flesh readily splitting radially. ODOR and TASTE mild. GILLS decurrent, 17-20 reaching stem, 1-2 tiers of subgills, narrow near cap margin but broad near stem; whitish. STEM 2-7 x 0.1 cm, cartilaginous, violet brown at top and pinkish brown over lower half; pruinose. HABITAT on beds of moss or occasionally debris, spring, summer, or fall. DISTRIBUTION at least WA, OR, CA, and on field trip lists from BC. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 4-5 x 2-2.5 um, narrowly elliptic, inamyloid; basidia 4-spored; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia scattered to abundant, 42-66 x 10-18 um, colorless, thin-walled, ventricose-subcapitate. REMARKS Rickenella fibula (see 509a) is normally bright orange or ochraceous orange, soon changing to dingy ochraceous or buff, but according to Smith, in some collections dull pale colors appear from the first. | Rickenella swartzii Sharon Godkin |
703b Not as above
................................................................................not included Unabridged Version
acidulous - slightly acid
acuminate - gradually narrowing to a point
adnate - referring to gills, attached to the stem without a notch, and usually implies broad attachment, the lower edge of the gill being attached at the line at which a straight gill edge would intersect the stem: if attached above this line it would be adnexed or notched, if attached below this line it would be decurrent; if ascending adnate, gills attach at much less than a right angle, appearing to curve upward toward stem; if horizontal adnate, gills attach at about a right angle; if depressed adnate, a portion of the gill is lower than the outer edge; if broadly adnate, they are attached to the stem along their entire height
adnexed - refers to gills that are narrowly attached to the stem: the gill edge curves gradually upward along the inner half of the gill and is attached to the stem by a narrow upper portion of the gill
alkaline - of odor, smelling like bleach
almond-shaped - of spores, with top end broader than base (where hilar appendage located), thus like an almond
amorphous - shapeless, formless, often in reference to incrusting materials on hyphae
ampullaceous - flask-shaped
ampulliform - of cystidia, flask-shaped: lower and middle parts swollen, upper part narrowed into a long extension
amyloid - staining bluish to gray to black in Melzer's reagent
anastomosing - forming a network, connecting by cross-veins
annulus - ring or collar of tissue on stem formed by ruptured of the veil that initially joins the stem to the cap edge
apex (pl. apices) - top, highest part
apical - near top
apiculus - nipple-like projection on basidiospore which corresponds to the area that was attached to the basidium where the spore develops
appressed - flattened down
arched - forming an arch, curved or arc-like; of gills, means that the middle of the lower edge of the gill is higher than a line drawn between the ends of its edges, often referred to as "arcuate"
ascending - refers to gills that curve upwards from the margin of the cap to the attachment at the stem, as in conic or unexpanded cap
astringent - causing a contraction or pucker of the mouth membranes
avellaneous - dull grayish brown, hazel-brown, or light gray yellow brown, or closer to drab, or gray tinged with pink, in Ridgway 1912 closer to pinkish buff, with a slight orange tint but without gray
bald - no warts or hairs, or raised scales, fibers or patches, same as glabrous and as used here equivalent to naked, some authors include pruinose surfaces and some exclude them
basal - near the base
bell-shaped - in the shape of a bell (like the Liberty bell), with rounded top and flaring lower edges, same as campanulate
bloom - minutely velvety or powdery surface
brittle - breaking easily, rigid and breaking with a snap; of stem, forming a sharp non-fibrous edge when broken
broad - when used of gills, refers to the height (depth) of the gill, which may be narrow, moderately broad or broad
button - young fruiting body before it has opened up
capitate - with a head or cap, abruptly enlarged at top
cartilaginous - of tissue, tough, like cartilage, not fibrous; of stems: firm, tough and pliant (flexible), sometimes used even of fragile stems and implying brittle, not pliant
caulocystidium (pl. caulocystidia) - cystidia occurring on surface of stem, see also cystidium for details
cespitose - growing in tufts or close clusters from a common base, but not grown together
cheilocystidium (plural cheilocystidia) - sterile cell occurring on margin (edge) of gill, see also cystidium for details
clamp - same as clamp connection
clamp connection - small tubular elbow-like bypass across the walls between fungal cells, used to distinguish genera and species, functionally providing a bypass for one of two nuclei to insure their equal distribution in new cells
clamped - with clamp connections
clavate - like a caveman's club; when used of stems, implies base is thicker and stem tapers upward; when used of cystidia, implies part that extends outward beyond the hymenium is thicker, same as club-shaped
clay-color - colored as clay, resembling dull ochraceous-cinnamon-brown, but sometimes apparently used to indicate the color of gray clay
close - of gill spacing, nearly touching but with visible space between, intermediate between crowded and distant, the order being crowded, (subcrowded), (subclose), close, subdistant, distant
club-shaped - like a caveman's club; when used of stems, implies base is thicker and stem tapers upward; when used of cystidia, implies part that extends outward beyond the hymenium is thicker, same as clavate
collybioid - resembling in general form a mushroom of the genus Collybia, typically with expanded caps (convex to broadly convex to flat) often with downcurved to incurved margin, cartilaginous or brittle stems not more than two or three times in length the diameter of the caps, without annulus (ring)
compressed - of a stem, elliptical to flattened in cross section
convex - regularly rounded, domed, like an inverted bowl
coralloid - like branching coral
cortex - a dense outer covering
cortical - pertaining to cortex
crowded - of gill spacing, very close, touching or with almost no space between, the order being crowded, (subcrowded), (subclose), close, subdistant, distant
cuticle - the skin or surface layer of cells, of cap or stem in this case; same as pellis, and thought by some to be incorrectly used in this situation as it refers in botany to the waxy surface of certain leaves
cylindric - of the same diameter throughout its length; of stem, terete (not compressed); of spores, according to one set of criteria ratio of length to width over 2: less would be elliptic or oblong
cystidium (pl. cystidia) - a sterile cell frequently of distinctive shape, at any surface of a fruiting body: pileocystidium (cap), pleurocystidium (gill face), cheilocystidium (gill edge), caulocystidium (stem); often further described by shape: aciculate (needle-shaped), aculeate (spine-shaped, with a slightly wider base than aciculate and tapered evenly), ampulliform (flask-shaped, lower and middle parts swollen, upper part narrowed into a long extension: ventricose-rostrate would have narrower beak), capitate (with a head), clavate (club-shaped, with top somewhat enlarged), cylindric (with uniform width but wider than filamentous), filamentous (thread-like, long and thin), fusoid (spindle-shaped, narrowing evenly to both ends), furcate (forking), lageniform (gourd-shaped, with swollen base, and middle and top tapered into a long beak), globose (spherical or nearly so), lanceolate (lance-shaped, slightly swollen at or near middle and tapered at both ends), lecythiform (bowling pin shape, wider in middle, with middle tapering upwards into a narrow neck and top swollen into a smaller head), napiform (turnip-shaped), obpyriform (pear-shaped, with the narrower part below), pedicellate (with a stem), pyriform (pear-shaped, usually with narrower part below, so more properly obpyriform), rostrate (with a beak-like extension at top), saccate (like a sac, similar to vesiculate), subulate (awl-shaped, swollen from base to middle then tapering to a point), tibiiform (like a tibia, with a cylindric or slightly ventricose body and swollen head), torulose (cylindric with swellings at intervals), turbinate (top-shaped, wide at top, with narrowing from middle to base), urticoid (with a swollen base and a long gradually narrowed apex), utriform (bladder-shaped, with a small constricted area below a large round body), ventricose (wider in middle), vesiculate or vesiculose (bladder-shaped, whole cystidium inflated like a large sac), Largent et al. used here as source
deciduous - in this context referring to trees that seasonally shed their leaves, and equivalent to hardwood
decurrent - refers to gills that run down stem, the attachment at stem being wider than the average height of gill
decurrent tooth - refers to gills with a lower edge that abruptly curves down near stem to leave a short "tooth" on stem that falls below the imaginary line running straight along the lower gill edge to the stem
dendroid - irregularly branched, tree-like in form
depressed - of cap, having the middle lower than the edge; of gills, sinuate; depressed adnate refers to an adnate gill with a portion of the gill lower than its outer edge
differentiated - developed so as to be different from surrounding cells; of cystidia, distinguishable from surrounding cells
disc - center of the cap, or sometimes referring to disc-shaped attachment of stem base to substrate
distant - of gill spacing, meaning the gills are spaced far apart, the order being crowded, (subcrowded), (subclose), close, subdistant, distant
drab - a dull medium or brownish gray, dark gray with shades of yellow; gray with violet overtones; in Ridgway 1912, a gray-brown
dry - surface not sticky or slimy or hygrophanous, feeling as if there is no moisture on surface
duff - decaying vegetable matter on the ground in a forest
echinate - having sharply pointed spines, like a sea-urchin
echinulate - having small or slender sharply pointed spines
elastic - springing back to its original shape
ellipsoid - like an oblong sphere, often referring to the three dimensional shape of a spore or cystidium
elliptic - like an oblong circle, often referring to the outline (as opposed to the three dimensional shape) of a spore, according to one set of criteria, ratio of length to width is 1.15-1.60
elongate - of spores, same as oblong, at least according to one definition (ratio of length to width is 1.6-2: shorter would be elliptic and longer cylindric)
emarginate - of gills, with a notch near stem, Largent & Baroni equate it with abruptly adnexed, but Ainsworth's Dictionary of the Fungi appears to equate it to sinuate (notched at the proximal end at junction with stem), and Hansen illustrates it as a deeper notch of the sinuate type, Lawrence Leonard wrote an excellent article in McIlvainea 14 (2): 15-26 outlining the ambiguities in the use of this term
equal - of a stem, the same diameter throughout its length, cylindric; of gill, broad (high) to same extent throughout length or alike in length
eroded - of the margins of cap or gills, developing irregular jagged edges as a result of deterioration, irregularly broken
even - of gill edges, means not toothed, eroded, fringed etc.
face - of gills, the side as opposed to the edge (margin)
farinaceous - of odor, with the smell of fresh ground meal from whole grain, especially wheat, same as mealy; of texture, mealy, with a loose powdery appearance
fibrillose - composed of delicate fibers which are long and evenly arranged on the surface
filamentous - long and thin or thread-like
filiform - threadlike, long and slender
flaccid - not firm, flabby
fleeting - quickly disappearing, used here as equivalent to evanescent or fugacious
flexuous - of the stem, or of cystidia, curving alternately in opposite directions
flocculose - with fine, easily removed cottony or woolly tufts; finely woolly or cottony
form - a consistent appearing variation of a species, with less variation than a variety, often not sufficiently hereditary as to characterize homogeneous populations
forma (abbreviated f.) - see form
free - refers to gills that are not attached to stem
fulvous - fox-colored, deep orange to reddish orange, reddish cinnamon brown
furfuraceous - scurfy, surface covered with bran-like particles resembling scales, coarser than granular
fuscous - color of a very dark storm cloud: variously described as combinations of gray, brown, purple, or black
fusiform - spindle-shaped, fairly slender and narrowing more or less evenly from middle to both ends
fusoid - somewhat spindle-shaped, almost spindle-shaped or fusiform
gelatinize - become gelatinous
gelatinous - jelly-like in consistency or appearance; applied to tissue whose hyphae become partially dissolved and glutinous in wet weather and when mounted in water under the microscope appear more transparent and wider, loosening from one another
glaucous - sea-gray; sea-blue-green; of cap, covered with white bloom, easily rubbed off
globose - spherical or nearly spherical
gluten - the dissolved gelatinous hyphae of certain tissues
glutinous - slimy, having a highly viscid gelatinous layer, more than viscid
greasy - slippery or oily but not viscid (sticky) or slimy, same as lubricous
gregarious - growing in close groups but not tufted or clustered
habit - the general external and characteristic appearance of mushrooms, and manner in which they are found growing
hardwood - any tree that is not a conifer
hazel - light to moderate yellowish brown; the color of the shell of the ripe hazelnut
herbaceous - said of those flowering plants that die annually at least down to the roots (i.e. non-woody flowering plants)
herbarium - a collection of dried plants or fungi arranged systematically
heterogeneous - composed of unlike tissues; composed of more than one cell type
hoary - covered with dense silky down; canescent; with a silvery sheen as if covered with frost
homogeneous - composed of like tissues; composed of one cell type
hooked - of gill attachment, same as uncinate
horizontal - of gills, attached in straight line perpendicular to stem
humus - decaying organic material in or on soil
hygrophanous - cap surface changing color markedly as it dries, usually having a water-soaked appearance when wet and turning a lighter opaque color on drying
hymenium - fertile area of fruiting body where spores are produced (in gilled mushrooms the surface of the gills), or the surface cell layer that produces the spores
hypha (pl. hyphae) - threadlike fungal cell
inamyloid - remaining clear or becoming yellow in Melzer's reagent, not amyloid or dextrinoid, same as nonamyloid
incarnate - flesh-colored
incrusted - covered with a thin, hard crust; of hyphae, with matter located on their outer wall; of cystidia, covered with crystalline or amorphous deposit, particularly at the top
inflated - enlarged in some part; of a cell, enlarged at either the tip, middle or base
innate - usually of fibrils or scales, meaning that they are not raised from the surface or readily removed from it
inserted - of stem, devoid or any fibrils or hyphae at point of attachment to substrate
interveined - of gills, connected by "veins" (ridges) that run between gills
iodoform - with odor of iodine
KOH - potassium hydroxide, an agent commonly used to revive dried mushroom material, or show chemical reactions on the surface of the mushroom, or chemical reactions under the microscope
lageniform - of cystidia, gourd-shaped, with swollen base, and middle and top tapered into a long beak
lanceolate - like a lance, many times longer than broad, and tapering; of cystidia, slightly swollen at or near middle and tapered at both ends
lubricous - greasy or slippery or oily but not viscid (sticky) or slimy
marasmioid - resembling the genus Marasmius
margin - of gills, refers to the edges; of cap, refers to the area of the cap near the edge or the upper surface near the edge
marginate - having a distinct margin: of gill, the edge having a different color (usually darker rather than paler)
membranous - like a membrane or skin-like or somewhat like Kleenex
micaceous - like flecks of mica
mixed - referring to forests containing both conifer and broadleaved trees
monocot - short for monocotyledon, flowering plant with single cotyledon, including grasses, sedges, rushes, lilies, and many other groups
mucronate - pointed, tipped with an abrupt, short point from a flatter surface
mycenoid - resembling a mushroom of the genus Mycena: mushrooms with slender cartilaginous or fragile stems (no ring or volva), and comparatively small conic to bellshaped caps with attached but usually not decurrent gills. Almost all of the species in the key have been included in the genus Mycena by at least one authority.
narrow - of gills, the opposite of broad, refers to the height of the gill, which may be narrow, moderately broad or broad
nitrous - of odor, like nitric acid, similar to alkaline bleach-like odor
notched - refers to gills that are uncinate or sinuate, as if a wedge of gill had been removed near the stem: if the line of the bottom edge of the gill curves down sharply, gills are uncinate, if it curves gradually toward the stem reaching it more or less horizontally, gills are sinuate
obovoid - ovoid with the larger end in the opposite direction to the usual
obpyriform - pear-shaped in the opposite direction to the usual one; of cystidia, pear-shaped with the narrower part below
obtuse - blunt, not pointed; greater than a right angle
oleocystidium - cystidium having an oily resinous exudate
omphalinoid - of general form of the genus Omphalina, with broadly convex to depressed cap, decurrent or subdecurrent gills, cartilaginous stem, and no ring or volva; or loosely applied to indicate agarics with decurrent gills and small fruitbodies (clitocyboid referring to those with large fruitbodies)
opaque - not transparent or translucent, often used of cap margin where gills do not show through as striations
oval - like the outline of an egg
ovate - similar to oval but some regard as more pointed at the narrower end
ovoid - shaped like an egg, same as oval, but usually implying 3-dimensional shape
palisade - a parallel and close arrangement
pallid - very pale in color, almost a dull whitish
papilla (pl. papillae) - a small nipple-like protuberance
papillate - with papilla or papillae on surface
parabolic - of cap, with the height greater than the width, the top rounded with an outline shaped like a mathematical parabola
pedicel - of cystidia, a slender stalk
pedicellate - with a pedicel
pellicle - an upper surface layer on cap surface that can undergo gelatinization, making the cap viscid (sticky) to the touch; often it can be peeled away from the cap, may be thought of as covering cuticle; same as cuticle or as thinner and more definite
pellis - surface layer of cells, same as "cuticle"
pileipellis - the outer cellular layer of the cap (pileus), excluding veils, used in microscopic descriptions: it may be undifferentiated from the underlying tissue, or arranged parallel to surface (cutis) or arranged perpendicularly to surface (derm), also know as cap cuticle
pileocystidium (pl. pileocystidia) - sterile cell on cap surface, same as pilocystidium, see also cystidium for details
pip-shaped - (of spores), shaped like an apple seed; sometimes used to describe spores (with a smooth spot above a hilar appendage at one end) that would be described as elliptic by other authors
pleurocystidium - cystidium on face of gill, see also cystidium for details
pliant - being pliable without breaking, flexible, not rigid or firm
polymorphic - with many forms or shapes
powdery - looking finely powdered or very finely granular, used here as equivalent to pruinose
projection - here used to indicate the appendages on cystidia also referred to as protuberances, diverticula, excrescences, etc.
pruinose - looking finely powdered or finely granular or hoary or with a bloom
pseudoparenchymatous - indicating thick tissue formed by hyphae becoming twisted and fixed together, in which the hyphal elements are not seen to be hyphae
pseudorhiza - a long rootlike extension of the lower stem
pubescence - a covering of soft short downy hairs
pubescent - covered with soft short downy hairs, but "downy" may differ by having slightly larger hairs
punctate - marked with dots consisting of hollows, depressions, spots, raised-joined scales, or agglutinated fibrils, all very small
refractive - of hyphal or cystidial contents, light-deflecting
repent - of hyphae, prostrate, lying flat
resinous - of consistency or appearance or taste, like resin, as if impregnated with resin
rimose - cracked, referring to surface of cap or stem
rostrate - with a beak-like extension
saccate - of a cystidium, like a sac, the whole cystidium inflated like a large sac
scabrous - roughened by short projecting rigid scales
seceding - refers to gills that have separated in their attachment to the stem and have the appearance of being free, often leaving longitudinal lines on the stem where the gills were once connected
senescent - old or becoming old
sensu - in the sense of, referring to a particular author's concept of a species
septum (pl. septa) - cross-wall in hyphae
septate - partitioned with cross-walls
seta (pl. setae) - pointed, elongated, thick-walled sterile cell
setiform - with the shape of a seta, usually implying thick-walled as well
sinuate - of gill attachment, refers to gills with a lower edge that curves up close to the stem then curves back to reach the stem more or less horizontally
slimy - having a thick layer of slime, more than viscid or glutinous
solid - not hollow; feeling hard
spermatic - resembling the odor of human sperm or semen
spheropedunculate - somewhat spherical with a stem
spindle-shaped - fairly slender and narrowing more or less evenly from middle to both ends, equivalent to fusoid or fusiform
stature - characteristic shape
sterile - not producing spores
strangulate - constricted
stria (pl. striae) - lines or fine grooves which may be parallel or radiating
strigose - having long stiff hairs
sub - (prefix) - near, nearly, more or less, somewhat, slightly; below or under; subdivision of
subcapitate - with a less obvious head than capitate
subdistant - of gill spacing, intermediate between close and distant, the order being crowded, (subcrowded), (subclose), close, subdistant, distant
subgill - the short gill that does not span the entire distance from margin to stem, the same as lamellula
subglobose - of spores, nearly spherical or round; according to one set of criteria ratio of length to width 1.05-1.15
subhymenium - a differentiated tissue just beneath the hymenium
substratum - substrate, the material that a fungus is growing on
subulate - awl-shaped (subula = awl); of cystidia, awl-shaped, swollen from base to middle then tapering to a point
subviscid - slightly sticky, thinly viscid
sulcate - grooved, furrowed
tawny - approximately the color of a lion, between yellow brown and rusty brown; used by some as more orange, fox-colored, equivalent to fulvous
tenacious - tough; holding on tight
thick - term used for width of stem, depth of cap flesh, or the distance between the faces of one gill
thin - term used for width of stem, depth of cap flesh, or the distance between the faces of one gill
tibiiform - of cystidia, like a tibia, with a cylindric or slightly ventricose body and swollen head
tier - in reference to subgills, group of subgills, interspersed with gills usually at regular intervals, each tier being of roughly a certain length
tomentose - covered with soft hairs, often soft densely matted hairs, like a woollen blanket
tomentum - a covering of densely matted woolly hairs
toothed - serrate on the edges; toothlike on the edges; of gills, with toothlike edges or decurrent by a short tooth
trama - the tissue under the surface cell layers of cap, stem, or gills, usually referring to the flesh (context) as seen through the compound microscope
translucent-striate - refers to a cap that allows some light to pass through and which, as a result, shows the gills as darker radiating lines in the translucent area of the cap's surface
troops - hundreds of fruiting bodies growing within a few square yards
tufted - as used here, the same as cespitose
turf - a structure consisting of hair-like elements projecting perpendicularly from a surface
type - the element on which the descriptive matter fulfilling the conditions of valid publication of a scientific name is based; in the case of mushroom species, the collection of fruiting bodies from which the original concept of the taxonomic group (e.g. family, genus, species, variety, etc.) is derived
um - micrometer, 1/1000,1000 of a meter, same as micron, the 'u' often replaced by the Greek letter mu.
umbilicate - refers to a cap with a narrow, moderate to deep depression in center which may or may not have a small umbo in the bottom
umbo - a raised knob or mound at the center of the cap
umbonate - having a raised knob or mound at the center of the cap
uncinate - refers to gills with a lower edge that curves up as it comes close to the stem, then abruptly curved down to leave a "tooth" on stem, not proceeding further down stem than the imaginary line running straight along the lower gill edge to the stem, but sometimes used as equivalent to "decurrent with tooth"
undulate - wavy
utriform - of cystidia, bladder-shaped, with a small constricted area below a large round body
variety (abbreviated var. or v.) - a consistent appearing variation of a species, with more variation than a form, sufficiently hereditary as to characterize homogeneous populations
ventricose - wider in the middle
verrucose - with warts; or with outgrowths smaller than if warted but larger than if verruculose
vesiculose - of cystidia, with entire cell swollen or appearing inflated like a large sac or bladder (vesicle), with only the base abruptly tapered, same as vesiculate
vinaceous - the color of red wine or red wine stains; a paler or grayish red; dull pinkish brown to dull grayish purple
viscid - sticky but not slimy or lubricous: the mushroom usually feels somewhat slimy or slippery when wet but when dry may need to be wetted slightly to feel sticky; sometimes used to include slimy
CHROMOSERA Redhead, Ammirati, & Norvell | |
C. cyanophylla (Fr.) Redhead, Ammirati, & Norvell | 206a |
= Omphalina cyanophylla (Fr.) Quél. | |
= Mycena lilacifolia (Peck) A.H. Sm. | |
= Clitocybe lilacifolia Singer | |
HYDROPUS Kühner ex Singer | |
H. marginellus (Pers. ex Fr.) Singer | 104a, 406b |
= Mycena marginella (Fr.) Quél. | |
MYCENA (Pers.) Roussel | |
M. acicula (Fr.) Quél. | 406a, 503a, 503b, 507a, 509b, 511b |
M. adonis (Fr.) Gray | 406a, 503a, 503b, 507a, 507b, 511b, 512a |
= Mycena amabilissima (Peck) Sacc. | |
= Mycena roseipallens Murrill | |
= Mycena roseocandida (Peck) Sacc. | |
= Mycena fusipes Murrill | |
M. adscendens (Lasch) Maas Geest. | 304a |
= Mycena tenerrima (Berk.) Quél. | |
M. alphitophora (Berk.) Sacc. | 304b |
= Mycena osmundicola Lange | |
M. amabilissima (Peck) Sacc. - see Mycena adonis | |
M. amicta (Fr.) Quél. | 501a |
M. atroalboides (Peck) Sacc. | 105a |
M. aurantiidisca Murrill | 406a, 509b, 511b |
M. aurantiomarginata (Fr.) Quél. | 401a, 405a |
M. bulbosa (Cejp) Kühner | 305a |
M. californiensis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. | 103b, 415b |
= Mycena elegantula Peck | |
M. capillaripes Peck | 407a, 409a, 410b, 413a, 413b |
M. chloranthoides Maas Geest. | 405a |
= Mycena elegans (Fr.) Quél. sensu A.H. Sm. | |
M. citrinomarginata Gillet | 404a, 405b, 511b |
= Mycena olivaceobrunnea A.H. Sm. | |
M. clavicularis (Fr.) Gillet | 203b, 215a |
M. culmigena Maas Geest. | 506a, 514a |
= Mycena juncicola (Fr.) Gillet sensu A.H. Sm. | |
M. 'elegantula' Peck sensu A.H. Sm. | 407a, 415b |
M. elegantula Peck - see Mycena californiensis | |
M. elegans (Fr.) Quél. sensu A.H. Sm. - see Mycena chloranthoides | |
M. elegans (Fr.) Pers. - see Mycena aurantiomarginata | |
M. epipterygia var. 'epipterygioides' (Pearson) Kuhn. sensu A.H. Sm. | 210a |
= Mycena 'epipterygioides' Pearson sensu A.H. Sm. | |
M. epipterygia var. 'cascadensis' A.H. Sm. | 207b |
M. epipterygia (Fr.) Gray var. epipterygia | 208a, 209b, 210b, 211a, 212b |
= Mycena viscosa var. iodiolens A.H. Sm. | |
M. epipterygia var. griseoviridis (A.H. Sm.) Maas Geest. | 207b, 212a |
= Mycena griseoviridis A.H. Sm. | |
M. epipterygia var. lignicola A.H. Sm. | 207a, 211a |
M. epipterygia var. 'viscosa' (Maire) Ricken sensu A.H. Sm. | 212b |
= Mycena viscosa (Sec.) Maire sensu A.H. Sm. | |
M. 'epipterygioides' Pearson ss. A.H. Sm. - see M. epipterygia v. 'epipterygioides' | |
M. fibula (Fr.) Kühner - see Rickenella fibula | |
M. flavoalba (Fr.) Quél. | 503a, 511b |
M. fuliginella A.H. Sm. | 105b |
M. fusco-ocula A.H. Sm. - see Mycena galopus | |
M. fusipes Murrill - see Mycena adonis | |
M. galopus (Pers.:Fr.) P. Kumm. | 101a |
= Mycena fusco-ocula A.H. Sm. | |
M. gaultheri A.H. Sm. | 302a |
M. haematopus (Pers.: Fr.) P. Kumm. | 103a, 406b |
= Mycena hematopoda (Fr.) Quél. | |
M. insignis A.H. Sm. | 203a |
M. juncicola (Fr.) Gillet sensu A.H. Sm. - see M. culmigena | |
M. laevigata (Lasch) Quél. sensu A.H. Sm. | 206b |
M. lilacifolia (Peck) A.H. Sm. - See Chromosera cyanophylla | |
M. longiseta Höhn. | 301a |
M. marginella (Fr.) Quél. - see Hydropus marginellus | |
M. maura Kühner - see Myxomphalia maura | |
M. melleidisca Murrill - see M. vulgaris | |
M. militaris sensu A.H. Sm. - see Mycena vulgaris | |
M. monticola A.H. Sm. | 406a, 503a, 503b, 503c, 507a |
M. odorifera (Peck) Sacc. | 214b |
M. olivaceobrunnea A.H. Sm. - see Mycena citrinomarginata | |
M. oregonensis A.H. Sm. | 403a, 511a |
M. osmundicola Lange - see Mycena alphitophora | |
M. overholtsii A.H. Sm. & Solheim | 701a |
M. pelianthina (Fr.) Quél. | 407a, 410a, 410b |
M. plicosa sensu A.H. Sm. - see Mycena atroalboides | |
M. pterigena (Fr.: Fr.) P. Kumm. | 411a, 505a, 514a |
M. pura (Pers.:Fr.) P. Kumm. | 507c, 513b |
= Mycena subaquosa A.H. Sm. | |
M. purpureofusca (Peck) Sacc. | 414a |
M. quinaultensis Kauffman apud A.H. Sm. | 215a |
M. rorida (Fr.) Quél. - see Roridomyces roridus | |
M. rosella (Fr.) Quél. | 406a, 407a, 413a, 503a, 506a |
M. roseipallens Murrill - see Mycena adonis | |
M. roseocandida (Peck) Sacc. - see Mycena adonis | |
M. rubromarginata (Fr.) Quél. | 411b, 415a |
M. rutilantiformis Murrill | 410a, 410b |
M. sanguinolenta (Fr.) Quél. | 103b, 406b, 415a, 415b |
= Mycena subsanguinolenta A.H. Sm. | |
M. strobilinoides Peck | 406a, 503b |
M. stylobates (Fr.) Quél. | 305b |
M. subaquosa A.H. Sm. - see Mycena pura | |
M. subplicosa sensu A.H. Sm. - see Mycena atroalboides | |
M. subsanguinolenta A.H. Sm. - see Mycena sanguinolenta | |
M. swartzii (Fr.) A.H. Sm. - see Rickenella swartzii | |
M. tenax A.H. Sm. | 214a |
M. tenerrima (Berk.) Quél. - see Mycena adscendens | |
M. tubarioides (Maire) Kühner | 506a, 514b |
M. vestita Velen. - see Mycena amicta | |
M. 'viridimarginata' Karsten sensu A.H. Sm. | 411b, 415a |
M. viscosa var. iodiolens A.H. Sm. - see Mycena epipterygia | |
M. vulgaris (Fr.) Quél. | 214a, 215b |
= Mycena melleidisca Murrill | |
= Mycena militaris Karsten sensu A.H. Sm. | |
M. maura (Fr.) Hora | 214a, 702a |
= Mycena maura Kühner | |
RICKENELLA Raithelh. | |
R. fibula (Bull. ex Fr.) Raithelh. | 509a, 703a |
= Mycena fibula (Fr.) Kühner | |
= Omphalina fibula (Bull.: Fr.) Quél. | |
= Gerronema fibula (Bull.: Fr.) Singer | |
R. setipes (Fr.) Raithelh. - see R. swartzii | |
R. swartzii (Fr.) Kuyper | 509a, 703a |
= Rickenella setipes (Fr.) Raithelh. | |
= Mycena swartzii (Fr.) A.H. Sm. | |
= Omphalina setipes (Bull.: Fr.) Quél. | |
= Gerronema setipes (Fr.: Fr.) Singer | |
R. roridus (Scop.) Rexer | 202a, 214b |
= Mycena rorida (Fr.) Quél |
- END -