1a Cap uniformly white or ivory or pale cream color
1b Cap straw color, ochre, yellow, or some shade of brown, at least at the center (margin may be pallid or cream color or yellow)
2a Stipe pruinose (as if covered with fine sand; use a hand lens) only at the top if at all
2b Stipe pruinose in its entire length
3a Odor strong of green corn
................................................................................I. sororia [2]
3b Odor not of green corn
4a Cap and stipe white, becoming flushed or stained with pink or red, especially when dried
................................................................................I. pudica [3]
4b Cap and stipe white, not developing any pink or red stains, and not becoming pink when dried
................................................................................I. geophylla [4]
5a (2b) Odor sweet, like sweet pea or lily-of-the-valley, or both
................................................................................I. suaveolens [5]
5b Odor not as in the above
6a Stipe pink at the apex only, or all over
6b Stipe ivory, cream color, or pale yellow, lacking pink colors
7a Pileus entirely white; stipe pink all over
................................................................................I. grammata [6]
7b Pileus cream color; stipe pink at the apex only, elsewhere cream color or ivory
................................................................................I. kauffmanii [7]
8a (6b) Stipe discoloring dingy brown or gray or nearly black, from the base up, in older specimens and when dried
8b Stipe not discoloring brown or gray, remaining pale yellow in older specimens and when dried
9a Odor sharp, penetrating, resinous with component of acetic acid; stipe discoloring dull brown or vinaceous brown rather than gray
................................................................................I. picrosma [8]
9b Odor merely spermatic or scarcely notable; stipe discoloring definitely gray, frequently dark gray
................................................................................I. leucomelaena [9]
10a (8b) Pileus silky, soon becoming scaly at least at the center, not lubricous when wet
................................................................................I. kauffmanii [7]
10b Pileus becoming rimose but not scaly; lubricous when wet
................................................................................I. mixtilis [10]
11a (1b) Odor strong of green corn
................................................................................I. picrosma [11]
11b Odor varies, but not of green corn
12a Pileus white at the center, grayish vinaceous or brownish vinaceous at the margin; stipe pink, entirely pruinate, with a definite marginate bulb
................................................................................I. grammata [6]
12b Not with all three of the above features
13a Center of pileus either brown or slate gray or nearly black, these colors shading to white or dingy ivory at the margin, and - base of the stipe the same color as the center of the pileus, shading up to white at the apex
13b Neither cap nor stipe colored as in the above
14a Center of pileus and base of stipe gray to nearly black
................................................................................I. fuscodisca [12]
14b Center of pileus and base of stipe red-brown to umber, without any gray tones
................................................................................I. agglutinata [13]
15a (13b) Young gills orange (use unopened caps)
................................................................................I. cinnamomea [14]
15b Young gills white, pale cream, greenish, or some shade of lavender or purplish
16a Young gills and apex of stipe lavender, lilac, violet, or similar purplish color
16b Young gills white, pale cream, yellow, or tinged greenish
17a Stipe lavender at the apex, pallid below and with streaks of brown fibrils or tomentum
................................................................................I. cincinnata [15]
17b Stipe entirely lavender or violet, satiny, lacking brown fibrillose or tomentose streaks
................................................................................I. pusio [16]
18a (16b) Stipe entirely pruinose
18b Stipe pruinose at the apex only, if at all, elsewhere satiny, glabrous, fibrillose-streaked, fibrillose-scaly, squarrose, or tomentose, but not pruinose below the apex
19a Stipe some shade of pink, at least at the apex
19b Stipe entirely without pink colors
20a Stipe entirely pink; pileus uniformly bay or umber, or red-brown at the center and yellow at the margin
20b Stipe pink at the apex only, elsewhere cream color or ivory: pileus at most dingy yellowish or straw color
................................................................................I. kauffmanii [7]
21a Mature pileus red-brown (bay) at the center, brassy yellow at the margin; stipe bright salmon pink
................................................................................I. laetior [17]
21b Mature pileus uniformly red-brown or umber; stipe usually very pale pink
................................................................................I. glabrodisca [18]
22a (19b) Odor sweet, like sweet pea or lily-of-the-valley, or both
................................................................................I. suaveolens [5]
22b Odor sharp and resinous-acetic, or spermatic, or not notable
23a Stipe discoloring dingy brown or gray or nearly black from the base up, in older specimens and when dried
23b Stipe not discoloring brown or gray, remaining pale yellow in older specimens and when dried
24a Odor sharp, penetrating, resinous with component of acetic acid; stipe discoloring dull brown or vinaceous brown rather than gray
................................................................................I. picrosma [8]
24b Odor merely spermatic or scarcely notable; stipe discoloring definitely gray, frequently dark gray
................................................................................I. leucomelaena [9]
25a (23b) Pileus silky, soon becoming scaly at least at the center, not lubricous when wet
................................................................................I. kauffmanii [7]
25b Pileus becoming rimose but not scaly: lubricous when wet
................................................................................I. mixtilis [11]
26a (18b) Stipe yellow ochre, frequently darkening to smoky brown at the base; pileus either uniformly yellow ochre, or brown at the center and yellow ochre at the margin
................................................................................I. olympiana [19]
26b Stipe white, ivory, cream color, pink, or some shade of brown; pileus either uniformly brown, or in one case, bicolorous
27a Pileus bicolorous, tawny or orange brown at the center, shading to straw color or yellow at the margin, conic or at least sharply umbonate; gills often with a distinct greenish cast; stipe satiny, glabrous, dingy pallid; odor strong, spermatic
................................................................................I. rimosa [20]
27b Pileus uniformly brown, or the center a deeper shade of the same brown as the margin, not bicolorous, not conic or sharply umbonate; lamellae never with a greenish cast; stipe varies in color and surface
28a Stipe flesh-pink or rosy-pink, at least at the apex
................................................................................I. subdestricta [21]
28b Stipe white or pallid or some shade of brown, lacking any pink colors
29a Stipe white or pallid, in age sometimes flushed with vinaceous brown; odor complex, of green corn then becoming sweet-aromatic with lingering green corn component
................................................................................I. lanatodisca [22]
29b Stipe brown; odor fishy, spermatic, or not notable
30a Pileus silky-smooth, becoming rimose but not scaly
30b Pileus definitely scaly
31a Stipe glabrous, satiny, with a napiform (turnip-shaped) bulb
................................................................................I. napipes [23]
31b Stipe fibrillose-streaked, lacking a bulb at the base
................................................................................I. lacera [24]
32a (30b) Stipe merely fibrillose-streaked, not scaly or tomentose; pileus lacerate-fibrillose-scaly, not squarrose
................................................................................I. lacera [24]
32b Pileus squarrose; stipe either squarrose, or tomentose at least at the base or lower half
33a Stipe fibrillose-squarrose, dull green inside and out at the base; odor like raw fish (sometimes with a resinous component); growing on the ground
................................................................................I. calamistrata [25]
33b Stipe tomentose at least in lower part, not green at the base; odor spermatic or not notable; growing on rotten wood
................................................................................I. lanuginosa group [26]
apedicellate - without a pedicel or stalk
applanate - horizontally expanded, plane, flat
avellaneous - dull grayish brown, hazel-brown, or light gray yellow brown, or closer to drab, or gray tinged with pink, in Ridgway 1912 closer to pinkish buff
bicolorous - of two colors
boletoid - of spores, resembling spores of boletes, which are typically long and narrowly elliptic or spindle-shaped in face view and inequilateral in profile
capitate - with a head
catenate - in chains or end to end series
caulocystidium (pl. caulocystidia) - cystidium on stipe (stem)
caulocystidioid - like a caulocystidium
cheilocystidium (pl. cheilocystidia) - cystidium on edge of gill
cheilocystidioid - like a cheilocystidium
clavate - like a caveman's club, same as club-shaped; when used of stems, implies base is thicker and stem tapers upward; when used of cystidia, implies part that extends outward beyond the hymenium is thicker
crystalliferous - bearing crystals
cystidium (pl. cystidia) - a sterile cell frequently of distinctive shape, at any surface of a fruiting body
equal - of a stem, the same diameter throughout its length
farinaceous - of odor, with the smell of fresh ground meal from whole grain
floccose - with easily removed cottony or woolly tufts; woolly or cottony; dry and loosely arranged; having the appearance of cotton flannel; with a soft cottony texture
flocculose - with fine, easily removed cottony or woolly tufts; finely woolly or cottony
fuscous - color of a very dark storm cloud: variously described as combinations of gray, brown, purple, or black
fusiform - spindle-shaped, fairly slender and narrowing from middle to both ends
glabrescent - becoming bald
glabrous - bald, without hairs or raised fibers or scales or raised patches
hispid - covered with long rough hairs or bristles
hygrophanous - surface changing color markedly as it dries, usually having a water-soaked appearance when wet and turning a lighter opaque color on drying
inflexed - bent inward, incurved
lageniform - of cystidia, swollen at the base with the middle and top part tapered into a long beak, like a gourd, therefore gourd-like
lanceolate - of a cystidium, slightly swollen at or below the middle and tapered to both ends, hence lance-shaped
lubricous - greasy or slippery or oily but not viscid (sticky) or slimy
marginate - of bulb at the base of stem, having a circular ridge that forms the top of the bulb
nodulose - of spores, covered with broad-based blunt bumps large enough to change the overall shape of the spore
notched - refers to a gill that appears as if a wedge of the gill had been removed near the stem (includes sinuate and uncinate but not adnexed)
paracystidia - short club-shaped sterile cells between and among other cystidia
pedicel - of cystidia, a slender stalk
pleurocystidium (pl. pleurocystidia) - cystidium on sides of gills
pruinate - same as pruinose
pruinose - looking finely powdered or finely granular, on the stem generally reflecting the presence of caulocystidia
pyriform - pear-shaped
recurved - curved back: when used of cap margin or scales on cap or stem means curved back upward
rimose - cracked, referring to surface of cap or stem, often revealing paler flesh underneath
saccate - of a cystidium, shaped like a sac
spermatic - resembling the odor of male flowers of Castanea (chestnut catkins)
squamulose - with small scales
squarra (pl. squarrae) - upright or curved-up pointed scale
squarrose - covered with upright or curved-up pointed scales
sub- - prefix meaning nearly, more or less, somewhat, slightly
tomentose - covered with soft hairs, often soft densely matted hairs, like a woollen blanket
tomentum - a covering of densely matted woolly hairs
umber - a deep dull dark brown, smoky brown; earth brown sometimes with a very slight reddish tinge
ventricose - wider in the middle
(Note some of these reported Pacific Northwest species are not mentioned in the key.)
INOCYBE (Fr.) Fr. | |
I. agglutinata Peck | 14b |
I. albodisca Quél. - See I. grammata | |
I. armeniaca Huijsman | |
I. assimilata (Britzelm.) Sacc. | |
= I. umbrina Bres. | |
I. brunneolipes Grund & D.E. Stuntz | |
I. calamistrata (Fr.) P. Karst. | 33a |
I. castanea Peck | |
I. catalaunica Singer | 28a |
I. chalcodoxantha Grund & D.E. Stuntz | |
I. chelanensis D.E. Stuntz | Footnote 1 |
I. cicatricata Ellis & Ev. | |
I. cincinnata (Fr) Quél. var. major (S. Peterson) Kuyper | 17a |
= I. phaeocomis (Pers.) Kuyper var. major S. Peterson sensu Kuyper & Stangl | |
= I. cincinnatula Kühner | |
= I. obscuroides Orton | |
I. cincinnatula Kühner - see I. cincinnata var. major | |
I. cinnamomea A.H. Sm. | 15a |
I. dulcamara (Pers.) P. Kumm. | Footnote 1 |
I. eutheloides Peck | |
I. fallax Peck | |
I. fastigiata (Schaeff.) Quél. - see I. rimosa | |
I. flavella P. Karst. | 27a |
I. flavidolilacina (Britz.) Sacc. | 4a |
I. flocculosa Sacc. | |
= I. lucifuga (Fr.) Quél. | |
I. fraudans (Britz.) Sacc. | 4a |
= I. pyriodora (Pers.: Fr.) Kumm. sensu Kauffman, D.E. Stuntz | |
I. fuscidula Vel. | 28a |
I. fuscodisca (Peck) Massee | 14a |
I. geophylla (Fr.) P. Kumm. | 4b |
I. glabrodisca Orton | 21b |
= I. decemgibbosa (Kühner) Vauras | |
= I. oblectabilis (Britz.) Sacc. f. decemgibbosa Kühner | |
I. griseolilacina J. Lange | 17a |
I. grammata Quél. | 7a, 10b, 12a |
= I. albodisca Peck | |
I. griseoscabrosa (Peck) Earle | |
I. hemileuca F.H. Nishida & D.E. Stuntz | |
I. heterochrominea Grund & D.E. Stuntz | |
I. hirsuta (Lasch) Quél. var. maxima A.H. Sm. sensu Grund & D.E. Stuntz | Footnote 25 |
I. hotsoniana D.E. Stuntz | |
I. intricata Peck var. pallidistipitata Grund & D.E. Stuntz | |
I. jacobi Kühner | |
= I. fulvella sensu D.E. Stuntz 1947 | |
I. kauffmanii A.H. Sm. | 7b, 10a, 20b, 25a |
= I. longipes Kauffman | |
I. lacera (Fr.) P. Kumm. | 31b, 32a |
I. laetior D.E. Stuntz | 21a |
I. lanatodisca Kauffman | 29a |
I. lanuginosa (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm. | 33b |
= I. nodulospora (Peck) Sacc. | |
= I. ovatocystis Boursier & Kühner | |
I. leiocephala D.E. Stuntz - see I. catalaunica | |
I. leptophylla G.F. Atk. | 33b |
I. leucomelaena | 9b, 24b |
I. lilacina (Boud.) Kauffman | 4a, 4b |
= I. geophylla var. lilacina (Peck) Gillet | |
I. maculata Boud. | 29a |
I. mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. | 10b |
= I. trechispora (Berk.) Karst. sensu Kauffman | |
I. monticola Kropp, Matheny et Nanagyulyan | |
I. napipes Lange | 10b, 31a |
I. nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Sacc. | 21a, 28a |
= I. friesii R. Heim | |
= I. subdestricta Kauffman ? | |
I. oblectabilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. forma decemgibbosa Kühner - see I. glabrodisca | |
I. obscuroides sensu D.E. Stuntz - see I. pusio | |
I. olympiana A.H. Sm. | 26a |
I. pallidipes Ellis & Ev. | |
I. petiginosa (Fr.) Gillet | |
I. phaeocomis (Pers.) Kuyper var. major S. Peterson sensu Kuyper & Stangl - see I. cincinnata var. major | |
I. picrosma D.E. Stuntz | 7b, 9a, 24a |
I. posterula (Britz.) Sacc. | |
I. praecox Kropp, Matheny et Nanagyulyan | |
I. praetervisa Qué., Bres. | Footnote 10 |
I. prominens Kauffman | |
= I. umboninota Peck | |
I. pudica Kühner | 4a |
= I. whitei (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. f. whitei sensu Kuyper | |
I. pusio Karst. | 17b |
= I. obscuroides sensu D.E. Stuntz | |
I. pyriodora (Pers.: Fr.) Kumm. sensu Kauffman, D.E. Stuntz - see I. fraudans | |
I. pyrotricha D.E. Stuntz | 17a |
I. rainierensis D.E. Stuntz | Footnote 1 |
I. rimosa (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm. | 27a |
= I. fastigiata (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Quél. | |
= I. holoxantha Grund & D.E. Stuntz | |
= I. confusa P. Karst. | |
I. semifulva Grund & D.E. Stuntz | |
I. sindonia (Fr.) P. Karst. | |
I. soluta Velen. | |
I. sororia (Peck) Massee | 3a, 11a |
I. stellatospora (Peck) Massee | 33b |
= I. longicystis G.F. Atk. non Velen. | |
= I. lanuginosa sensu M.M. Moser | |
= I. lanuginosa sensu Stangl | |
I. suaveolens D.E. Stuntz | 5a, 22a |
I. subcarpta Kühner & Boursier | 33b |
I. subdecurrens Ellis & Ev. | |
I. subdestricta Kauffman | 28a |
I. submuricellata G.F. Atk. | |
I. umbratica Quél. | |
I. umbrina Bres. - see I. assimilata (Britzelm.) Sacc. | |
I. variabillima Speg. | |
= I. acystidiosa Kauffman | |
= I. decipientoides Peck | |
= I. astoriana Murrill | |
I. volvata D.E. Stuntz | |
I. xanthomelas Boursier & Kühner | Footnote 10 |
This key is presented as originally written about 1978. Footnotes are added to describe the species briefly, to mention some other similar species, and to note a few nomenclatural problems.
Thanks are due to Dr. P. B. Matheny for reviewing the footnotes and Dennis Oliver for finding some references.
Some names (on the left) replace others (on the right).
Inocybe catalaunica Singer = Inocybe leiocephala D.E. Stuntz
Inocybe fraudans (Britz.)Sacc. = Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.: Fr.) P. Kumm. sensu Kauffman, D.E. Stuntz
Inocybe glabrodisca P.D. Orton = Inocybe oblectabilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. forma decemgibbosa Kühner
Inocybe grammata Quél. = Inocybe albodisca Peck
Inocybe pusio P. Karst. = Inocybe obscuroides sensu D.E. Stuntz
Inocybe cincinnata (Fr.: Fr.) Quél. = Inocybe cincinnatula Kühner
Inocybe rimosa (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm. = Inocybe fastigiata (Schaeff.) Quél.
Most amateurs can learn to recognize a handful of common Inocybe species with practice and by consulting with knowledgeable people. This key is presented as an aid to that process. Inocybe species are sometimes called fiberheads, in reference to the silky, fibrillose, or minutely scaly cap that often has a detectable radial pattern. Few species are brightly colored. The caps are often conical or umbonate, and are usually less than 8cm across. Stipes are typically whitish to cap-colored, and may be fibrillose or pruinose. The partial veil when present is fibrillose or cobwebby. Odor is often "spermatic" like male flowers of Castanea (chestnut catkins), or otherwise distinctive (fresh green corn, sweet pea flowers, geranium leaves, etc.). Spore deposit is dull brown, (in contrast to the rusty or cinnamon color of Cortinarius species). Most grow on the ground.
It is not possible to identify the full range of known Inocybe species in the Pacific Northwest without microscopic characters. Whenever reliable identification is needed, the microscopic characters should always be checked against a description that includes them. Even when the microscope is used, it is not uncommon to encounter species previously undocumented from the Pacific Northwest, or even undescribed in the scientific literature. Spores and cystidia are described here where information is available. Basidia are only mentioned when they are not 4-spored, but basidia should be examined to look for the several members of the I. dulcamara (Alb. & Schw.) P. Kumm. group. They have "necropigmented" basidia, meaning that they become ochraceous and collapse with age. Inocybe dulcamara has a woolly-fibrous ocher cap, and a relatively short stem. Another microscopic curiosity is the "rocket-shaped" spores of I. chelanensis D.E. Stuntz, (a bullet shape with 3 or 4 basal nodules). Inocybe chelanensis is typically a snowbank mushroom, with a fibrillose-cracking brown cap that has a paler center, and a stout lined brownish stem that is slightly pruinose at the top (the rare I. rainierensis D.E. Stuntz has similar spores but uniform dark brown cap and bulbous stem base).
Inocybe suaveolens is characterized by its white silky cap tinged with buff or cream color, its entirely pruinose white to pale yellow stem with a marginate bulb, and especially the persistent sweet odor, resembling that of the common sweet pea (Lathyrus). CAP 2-4.5cm, white, toward margin becoming yellowish or buff-tinged, silky-smooth and almost shining, soon becoming scaly. GILLS adnexed, rather close, pallid at first. STEM 3.5-8.5cm x 0.25-0.7cm, with distinct marginate bulb, whitish, everywhere densely white-pruinose. ODOR spermatic for an instant when flesh first cut, then immediately becoming and long remaining fragrant, like a mixture of the odors of sweet pea and lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis). MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-9(10) x 5.5-6.5(7) um, merely angular to decidedly nodulose; pleurocystidia 43-58(60) x 10-16.5 um, subfusiform to sublanceolate, apedicellate, very thick-walled, cheilocystidia of two kinds, one like the pleurocystidia in size and shape, the other smaller, clavate, thin-walled, 15-22.5 x 9-11 um, in dense clusters.
Inocybe kauffmanii.CAP 3-6cm, cream to pale yellow brown, fibrillose-scaly at center, becoming cracked toward margin. GILLS adnexed, close, narrow, broader near margin, pale gray brown, the edges white-fringed. STEM 4-8cm x 0.4-1.0cm, widened toward base, same color as cap or paler, may be pink at top; becoming bald, finely striate, entirely pruinose. MICROSTRUCTURES 8-10 x 5-6 um, elliptic-almond-shaped, cystidia moderately abundant, 45-50 x 12-16 um, thick-walled. REMARKSI. picrosma is similar but the stem becomes flushed dull vinaceous brown or dusky brown, and the odor is a mixture of radish-like and resinous with a vinegar component.
Inocybe picrosma is characterized especially by its unique odor, described as a mixture of radish-like and resinous with a vinegar component. CAP 1.5-4cm, pale creamy yellow to pale buff, sometimes flushed darker especially on disc, appressed silky-fibrillose, smooth and shiny at first, usually becoming scaly. GILLS adnexed to narrowly adnate, close, moderately broad, pallid in color when young. STEM 2.5-8.5cm x 0.3-0.7cm, equal with a flat bulb which may be abrupt, pale yellow becoming flushed dull vinaceous brown or fuscous brown, the margin of the bulb usually with a flush of salmon, satiny-shining, longitudinally hygrophanous-lined, white-pruinose at first, remaining so at top. ODOR sharp, penetrating (though not strong), spermatic for an instant when flesh first exposed, immediately becoming complex, a mixture of radish-like and resinous with component of vinegar. TASTE a little astringent and peppery at first, soon becoming mild and almost sweet, but leaving an unpleasant aftertaste. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-10(11) x 5-6 um, almond-shaped; pleurocystidia 36-60(63) x 16.5-21 um, fusiform-clavate, with obtuse apex and slender pedicel, very thick-walled above, cheilocystidia of two kinds, some similar to pleurocystidia in size and shape, others clavate, thin-walled, 22-56 x 8-11.5 um. REMARKS I. kauffmanii has a stem that does not become vinaceous brown and a different odor. I. suaveolens has a sweet odor and different microscopic characteristics.
Inocybe leucomelaena . It is not clear what species concept is being used here, though I. xanthomelas Boursier & Kühner would key out here and appears to occur in the Pacific Northwest (P. B. Matheny, pers. comm.) The name does not appear in Index Fungorum online as accessed November 18, 2004. It could be a provisional name.
See footnote 2 above. This key lead is designated "I. albodisca" in the original Stuntz key.
Inocybe fuscodisca is easily characterized by the dark brown fibrillose disc against a pallid ground color. CAP 1-2.5cm, umbo dark brown, cap covered with dark brown to dull brown, radially flattened fibrils over a pale buff to whitish ground color; smooth and subviscid over disc, otherwise moist to dry. ODOR spermatic. GILLS attached, close, broad, whitish at first. STEM 4-7.5cm x 0.15-0.3cm, equal, somewhat bulbous at base; sheathed from base to ring zone with dark brown to olive-brown fibrils over a whitish ground color, pruinose at top. CORTINA fleeting. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-10 x 4.5-6 um, elliptic, occasional ones up to 12-13 um long from 2-spored basidia); pleurocystidia 45-65(77) x (12)14-22(30) um, mostly 50-55 x 16-20 um, ventricose above a slender pedicel, with cylindric or slightly tapering neck, moderately thick-walled, cheilocystidia of 2 kinds, some resembling pleurocystidia, others thin-walled, clavate, 18-33 x 10-13 um; apex of stem with abundant dense clusters of caulocystidia, some like the pleurocystidia in wall thickness, but clavate to fusoid, and up to 85 um long, others thin-walled, varying greatly in size and shape, mostly clavate, about 20-50 x 14-20 um, base with abundant tangled superficial hyphae bearing numerous cylindric or clavate terminal cells, no caulocystidia; clamp connections present on almost all septa.
Inocybe cincinnata usually has a lilac-tinted stem particularly at the top. The scattered brown fibrils on the stem and often brown gill edges are diagnostic. Stuntz used the name I. cincinnatula for this species. CAP 1.5-4.5cm, small compared with stem length, not umbonate, light brown, yellow-brown, medium brown, appressed-squamulose in center, with dark umber or concolorous scales which are recurved when old, radially fibrous or fine-scaly toward margin. ODOR spermatic. GILLS adnexed, more rarely notched or somewhat decurrent, well-spaced, somewhat broad when mature; white-gray-lilac combination when young, edges indistinctly fringed and colored as faces. STEM 3.5-7.5cm x 0.3-0.7cm, long compared with cap width and stout, equal, usually lilac at top or entire length, otherwise whitish-gray, with dark brown fibrils over entire length, especially toward base, almost reticulate in some. CORTINA present in some, fleeting and buff. MICROSTRUCTURES spores (8.5)9-11 x 5.5-6.5 um, somewhat almond-shaped to somewhat lemon-shaped, thick-walled; pleurocystidia numerous, 60-100 x 14-23 um, long and narrowly fusiform, pedicel long, crystals at apex, thick-walled, pale or bright yellow, cheilocystidia similar to pleurocystidia but shorter (to 60 um), paracystidia 13-36 x 9-18 um, pyriform or clavate, walls brown encrusted; caulocystidia absent, or extremely rare, similar to pleurocystidia; clamp connections present all tissues. REMARKS Inocybe griseolilacina J. Lange has a lilac upper stem but lacks the dark brown fibrils (stem not pruinose either). The odor is geranium-like instead of spermatic. Inocybe pyrotricha D.E. Stuntz is lavender at the top of the stem, but has rusty-red fibrils and an odor somewhat radish-like or faintly spermatic.
Inocybe laetior is recognized easily by red-brown cap with brassy yellowish margin and salmon-pink stem. CAP 2-3.5cm, at first uniformly brown then becoming brassy yellowish at margin, smooth, appressed silky, marginal area often radially streaked with fibrils of the center. ODOR slight, spermatic or somewhat radish-like. GILLS adnexed to narrowly adnate or notched, not close, rather broad, pallid at first, edges usually finely saw-edged. STEM 2.5-7cm x 0.25-0.55cm, equal but the base usually slightly bulbous, bright salmon pink, base persistently white, stem satiny, longitudinally lined and entirely white-pruinose. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 9-11(13.5) x 5.5-6(6.5) um, inequilaterally almond-shaped, smooth; pleurocystidia (53)60-80 x 20-30 um, ventricose, with very short pedicel and obtuse apex, thick-walled, cheilocystidia mostly like the pleurocystidia in size and shape but a few small clavate thin-walled cells also present. REMARKS I. nitidiuscula has uniformly colored cap and less brightly colored stem.
Inocybe glabrodisca has a smooth red-brown to dark brown cap, a stem with pinkish flush that is entirely pruinose and that has a conspicuous flat-margined bulb, and prominently nodulose spores. Stuntz used the name I. oblectabilis forma decemgibbosa for this species. CAP 2-4cm, reddish brown to dark brown, the umbo often paler; lubricous when moist, shiny when dry, rimose (cracked), white webby fibrillose at first, becoming silky smooth. ODOR none. GILLS adnexed and notched, moderately broad, moderately close; pallid gray, becoming darker and more olivaceous. STEM 2.5-7cm x 0.3-0.7cm, with conspicuous flat marginate bulb, stem pale yellow, usually with more or less a pinkish flush, (base persistently white), satiny, finely white-pruinose and longitudinally hygrophanous-lined. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 9-11 x 6.5-8 um, oblong, with an average of eight rather coarse nodules; pleurocystidia 45-67.5 x 13.5-20 um, fusiform-ventricose with short neck and pedicels, moderately thick-walled, cheilocystidia like pleurocystidia in size and shape, also thin-walled and clavate, 22.5-30 x 9-11.5 um. REMARKS For other species with marginate bulb and nodulose spores see remarks under I. mixtilis.
Inocybe subdestricta Kauffman is possibly a synonym of I. nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Sacc. and descriptions of both of these are given here. The description of I. subdestricta is derived from Kauffman (1924), and that of I. nitidiuscula from Cripps (1997).
Inocybe subdestricta has a dark-brown to rufous-brown cap, the umbo dark-chestnut or umber, a stem that is pallid, tinged rufous, and pruinose in upper part, and spores that are somewhat almond-shaped. CAP 2-4cm, subconic, conic-bellshaped, then expanded-umbonate, at length depressed around the darker abrupt umbo; dark-brown to rufous-brown, the umbo dark-chestnut or umber; dry, innately fibrillose at first, at length lacerate-scaly or rimose or both; flesh whitish. GILLS sinuate-adnexed, or deeply emarginate, with a slight decurrent tooth, close, medium-broad, ventricose; whitish, then pale-brownish-ashy, the edges white-fimbriate. STEM 2.5-5cm x 0.25-0.5cm, equal, scarcely subbulbous, solid; pallid, tinged rufous; varying flocculose-fibrillose to glabrescent, pruinose at apex. ODOR slightly nauseous. HABITAT on ground in mixed woods. MICROSCOPIC spores 8-10 x 5-5.5 um, almond-shaped, subelliptic, subinequilateral, smooth; pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia abundant, 50-65 x 15-18(20) um, rather thick-walled, varying thin-walled, subcylindric to ventricose, subovoid to subflaskshaped, obtuse at apex, tapering to a short pedicel.
Inocybe lanatodisca has yellow brown to copper brown cap often with patches of whitish fibrils at center, and green corn odor which fades and becomes more sweet and aromatic. CAP 2.5-9cm, yellow-orange to tawny; dry, or lubricous when moist, silky-smooth, often with a thin webby pallid coating of surface fibrils persisting as pallid patches at center. ODOR with three main components: green-corn, spermatic, and fragrant (sweet-aromatic), usually the green-corn component is strongest when the specimen is collected, but fades subsequently, and the fragrant component becomes more evident. GILLS adnexed, close, moderately broad; white becoming grayish olive, the edges white-fringed. STEM 3-12cm x 0.4-1.3cm, with club-shaped or abrupt bulb, stem white becoming pallid yellow, when old flushed with darker yellowish brown or a winy cast; satiny, bald to slightly fibrillose-streaked, sometimes pruinose at top. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-11 x 5-6.5 um, elliptic; basidia mostly 4-spored, but occasional 2-spored or 3-spored ones seen; pleurocystidia none, cheilocystidia abundant, in dense cluster along the gill edge, 33-65 x 14-25 um, clavate to subventricose to cylindric; stem apex with clusters of cells much like the cheilocystidia, mostly clavate and 28-50 x 9-25 um, with occasional elongated septate ones 50-90 um long; most septa with clamps. REMARKS Inocybe maculata Boud. differs in having dark brown to chestnut brown cap (with a silky layer in patches), and non-spermatic odor described as pungent aromatic or similar to Lycoperdon, Amanita phalloides, Tuber, or raw potatoes.
Inocybe napipes has a dark grayish brown to chestnut brown silky-fibrillose cap, fibrillose-satiny stem with turnip-like bulb, stem pallid at top and more brown below, strong fruity or rancid or unpleasant odor, and nodulose spores. CAP 1.5-5cm, grayish brown, dull brown, dark brown, or chestnut brown, silky-fibrillose, shining, soapy-feeling when wet. ODOR strong, fruity, rancid, or spermatic. GILLS adnexed, when young whitish. STEM 4-7cm x 0.4-0.8cm, base with a distinct bulb, stem pallid at top, more brown below, fibrillose, satiny. CORTINA present when cap opens. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 7-10 x 5-7.5 um, angular-nodulose, irregularly polyhedral, with 6-10 prominent rather large nodules; pleurocystidia 38-55 x 13-19 um, mostly 45-50 x 18 um, ventricose above a rather slender pedicel, with obtusely rounded apex, the wall thin to moderately and uniformly thickened (1.0-1.6 um), mostly crested, cheilocystidia of two kinds, one like pleurocystidia but shorter and with less of a pedicel, the other of short thin-walled clavate cells like the basidia in size and shape; apex of stem with rare, widely scattered caulocystidia resembling the pleurocystidia, occasional clusters of elongated, thin-walled caulocystidia that are sometimes septate, and some tangled superficial hyphae with abundant clavate to cylindric terminal cells, base with sparse tangled superficial hyphae but no caulocystidia; most septa with clamps. REMARKS I. mixtilis is similar but has a marginate bulb and lacks a cortina, is more lubricous on the honey-colored cap, has a sharper edge to the bulb, and is pruinose the entire length of the stem. For other species with marginate bulb and nodulose spores, see remarks under I. mixtilis.
The taxonomy of this group was worked out by Matheny & Kropp (2001). Distinguishing features of the I. lanuginosa group are the brown squarrose to squamulose cap, young gills that are pallid and become brown with age, brown squamulose, floccose to woolly-fibrillose stem, occurrence on soil, among Sphagnum or on rotten wood under members of Pinaceae in the northern hemisphere, and nodulose spores. The following conforms to their description for I. lanuginosa in the strict sense. (Inocybe lanuginosa sensu M.M. Moser, Stangl is not this species, but rather represents I. stellatospora (Peck) Massee.) CAP 1.0-3.5cm, brown with darker center, disc with small crowded hispid squarrae (bristle-like upright to curved-up pointed scales), squamulose (finely scaly) or recurved-squamulose toward the margin, tearing with age but not rimose (not cracking), neither shaggy nor revealing a pallid ground color. ODOR not remarkable. GILLS adnate to notched, close, pallid at first, edges pallid and fringed. STEM 2.0-4.5cm x 0.3-0.7cm, equal to slightly enlarged at base, extreme apex pallid, lower half colored as cap; extreme apex pruinose, lower half woolly-fibrillose or floccose to appressed-(sub)squamulose, less so towards top. CORTINA fleeting. HABITAT In North America I. lanuginosa appears restricted to rotten woody substrates, where conifers are present, but in Europe, it is cited more frequently on the ground and at times under hardwoods. MICROSTRUCTURES spores 8-10.5(11) x (5)5.5-7.5(8) um, distinctly nodulose, outline often subelliptic, typically with (8)9-13(14) nodules; basidia 4-spored, (14)19-30(34) um; pleurocystidia frequent to infrequent, (26)29-46(48) um long, obovate, pyriform to broadly clavate, less often elliptic or utriform, walls thin to slightly thickened, apices crystalliferous, basal pedicel short, cheilocystidia abundant, (17)22-43(56) x (10)11-20(22) um, similar to pleurocystidia though somewhat shorter, also some ventricose to utriform, paracystidia broadly clavate, pyriform to subelliptic, thin-walled, colorless; caulocystidia present at (extreme) apex, generally utriform, obovate to subcylindric, colorless to pale brown, usually thin-walled, apices crystalliferous or not, well-rounded to subcapitate, in dense clusters; clamps frequent. REMARKS Growth on wood is in general unusual behaviour for Inocybe, but has been observed for instance with the similar species I. leptophylla, I. stellatospora, and I. subcarpta. Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier lacks the squamulose stem, but weathered specimens can be confused.
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