Copyright to each photograph is held by the person named under the photograph.
Do not use without permission.
Corticium minnsiae A and O Ceska |
Lachnella alboviolascens A and O Ceska |
Bisporella citrina Michael Beug |
Capitotricha bicolor Steve Trudell |
Chlorencoelia versiformis George Barron |
Chlorociboria aeruginascens Ian Gibson |
Chlorociboria aeruginosa Michael Beug |
Chloroscypha flavida A and O Ceska |
Ciboria rufofusca Andrew Parker |
Cudoniella clavus Michael Wood (MykoWeb) |
Lachnellula agassizii Steve Trudell |
Lachnellula arida Steve Trudell |
Lachnellula suecica Steve Trudell |
Lachnum virgineum Andrew Parker |
Encoelia pruinosa Brenda Callan copyright 2011 Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada Natural Resources Canada Canadian Forestry Service |
Encoelia furfuracea John Plischke |
Sclerotinia veratri Michael Wood (MykoWeb) |
Copyright to each photograph is held by the person named under the photograph.